How To Earn Extra Income With Intermediate Stock Trading

by Daniel B. Johnson - Date: 2008-06-19 - Word Count: 340 Share This!

E-Trade, TD Ameritrade, Zecco, Scottrade. These large discount brokers target online stock traders who have an investment timeframe that can be categorized as intermediate term. This means that the investor is buying stocks with the intention of holding them for a period of days or weeks, hoping to catch a period where the stock price increases significantly. They then sell, collect their profits (after trading fees, of course) and move on to the next stock. These investors typically look for hot penny stocks or other small cap issues.

Intermediate traders often scour the Internet looking for advice, tips and other resources to help find hot stocks that are worth your time and investment dollars. That is because time and information are their two biggest challenges. If that is you, then your time is limited because you are holding down a day job, maybe have a family or certainly have other interests that compete for your time. Given that, you can't spend all day researching and tracking stocks.

Check out a stock-picking newsletter service called "Doubling Stocks".

The story behind this increasingly popular newsletter is that two young wizards took their experience developing stock trading software programs for New Your investment houses and went out on their own. They created their own software program that crawls daily stock data and is capable of crunching more data than any individual could ever hope to. From all this data, it looks for positive buying signals and when it finds them, it generates "buy" recommendations. So far, its performance has been stellar, netting over 105% gains on average for its picks.

A source like this can do most of the work for you. You do have to subscribe to the newsletter, but it is small considering the money you invest in stocks and the profit you are hoping to generate. One reasonably sized trade netting just a 10% profit can easily cover the cost. If you want to save time and find an information source to help you generate significant profits, you should check it out.

Related Tags: stock trading, hot stocks, buy penny stocks, hot penny stock, pick penny stock, penny stock advisor, best penny stock

You can learn more about this newsletter by visiting "Doubling Stocks"Daniel B. Johnson is vice-president of a wireless communications company based in Dallas. He maintains a successful online trading career on a part-time basis to earn an additional income stream.

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