Gardening Tools and Essential Supplies
If you plan to spend some quality time in your yard this season, then you need some essential gardening tools to make your space picture perfect! You may have to cut grass, trim trees and shrubs, get the garden ready, or plant flowers. No matter what you need to do, some good gardening tools can go a long way. Let's take a closer look at the tools that will make your gardening experience simpler and as easy as possible.
There are certain tools you will need to accomplish all your tasks. You will need some good digging tools. Spades are great for turning soil and a flat head shovel will assist in picking up disposable items. A garden fork is ideal for cleaning out the beds and loosening soil. Rakes are also necessary for your work. Metal rakes will help in leveling soil and removing unwanted materials. Metal is durable since it will not bend. Plastic fan style rakes will do the job for leaf cleanup. They are lighter to handle for that exhausting job.
Investing in a good garden hose is always a wise idea. This will last longer than cheaper ones. The length of the hose will depend on the size of your yard. Also, get a reel to store it on when not in use, so you can avoid getting kinks in it. A garden wand is great for watering seedlings or new plants as well as hanging baskets. They will reach difficult places and supply a gentle stream of water that will be softer for the delicate younger plants. Choose a wand with a brass shut off, plastic ones will break or crack easily.
Pruning shears are an important gardening tool. These are great for trimming back bushes and shrubs. Since pruning is an important detail for making your shrubs bushy, you won't want to leave this off your list. Shears for hedge trimming will keep your bushes cut evenly and display a neat, controlled appearance.
A wheelbarrow or cart is a handy item, especially if you are going to be transporting dirt or cement. You can use them to carry around the yard all your vegetable and flower plants or your garden tools. This will save you a lot of unnecessary trips back and forth to carry all your items. Spreaders are useful in applying fertilizer to your lawn, since it provides an even distribution to all areas. It makes lawn fertilization a snap. And don't forget a broom for clean ups.
You will also need topsoil, fertilizer, lawn seed, plant food, seeds and potting mix. You may also want to invest in pesticides if you have a problem with bugs.
Gardening is a hobby shared by many. Working out in the yard allows you to appreciate the warmer months. You will get a good work out and enjoy the fresh air. All you need are a few essential tools and your job will be easy. Once all your hard work is done, your yard will be the envy of all. Now all you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy your surroundings.
Related Tags: garden, flowers, gardening, organic gardening, gardening tools, gardening tips, gardening supplies
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