The Magic Power of Curative Garlic

by Yulia Berry - Date: 2007-01-21 - Word Count: 457 Share This!

Many hundreds of years ago people thought that garlic has the magic ability to cure illnesses and they even used it during incantations.

The magic power of garlic is derived from the anti-bacterial phytoncids that kill most bacteria. Sometimes garlic is even called a natural antibiotic. And the powerful antibiotic allicin is made of garlic. Also it has essential and fatty oils, inulin, organic acids, mineral salts, vitamin C and vitamin group B. It is very rich in very important micro elements, like germanium and selenium. Germanium stimulates your immune system and selenium prevents tumors. Also, garlic is a great antioxidant because of the combination of selenium, vitamin C and zinc.

Garlic stimulates your appetite, increases the secretion of bile and helps digestion. It has an analgesic and calming effect on your stomach (Take 2-3 pieces of garlic a day with each meal if you get colitis or stomach bugs.)

Garlic has a diuretic effect, increases the activity of your sweat glands, prevents the accumulation of blood clots and helps with sclerosis.

Garlic phytoncids have the ability to slow down the activity of some tumor enzymes. This is a good way to prevent cancer.

Garlic has an anti-toxic effect and has been used as an antidote for hundreds of years. It enlarges blood vessels, lowers your blood pressure, and supports your heart muscle and your brain cells. It helps with diabetes because garlic lowers your blood sugar level.

Garlic is recommended if you lack vitamins or have a weak immune system.

Eating garlic every day will prevent viruses. Garlic gruel will help with festering wounds.

Garlic is not recommended if you have kidney problems, a stomach ulcer or duodenum ulcer, or epilepsy. You should not eat it in large doses for a long time because garlic will suppress your stomach micro flora. Some people can get an allergic reaction to garlic, like dermatitis. But usually it only happens if you eat a lot of raw garlic.

The scent of garlic on your breath is not pleasant for people. But it does not mean that you should not eat it at all. Just eat some parsley, lemon skin, bread crust or walnuts after you eat garlic.

Garlic is used a lot in folk medicine. There are probably hundreds of home remedies based on garlic. In this article I suggest that you try a great garlic extract remedy that will prevent getting viruses this winter.

Cut 40 g of garlic into fine pieces, put them into a glass bottle and add 100 g (3 oz) of vodka. Cover the bottle well and keep it in a dark place for 10 days. You can add some mint to make the taste and the scent more pleasant. Take 10 drops of the extract 2-3 times a day 30 min before each meal.

Related Tags: home remedies, cancer, vitamins, cold, immune system, viruses, colds, disorders, diseases, natural antibiotic, cures, garlic, phytoncids, folk medicine, garlic cures, garlic remedies

Yulia is a professional makeup artist. It has been her passion to collect the most interesting natural home remedies, healthy diet plans, and beauty and makeup tips from different countries. She spent a few years researching alternative cures and healthy dieting. The result is her website Sign up for her free newsletter with the exclusive remedy of the week!

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