Female Hair Transplant In India And The Cause For Hair Loss

by Devjeet Singh - Date: 2010-09-27 - Word Count: 507 Share This!

Just as females are vastly different from men so are the reasons they may lose hair. While hair loss in men is often due to hereditary factors this is rarely the case in women. So exactly what causes women to lose their hair? Actually, the loss on women occurs for a number of reason and these reasons almost always have an underlying cause. Here is a partial list of things that can cause temporary or permanent hair loss in women:

Hormonal imbalances

Women may experience the problem due to pregnancy, menopause or at any other time that their hormones are out of balance. This is often temporary as in the case of pregnancy but can also be permanent and ongoing.


That's right, stress affects women differently than men and prolonged tension or severe stress may be the cause of your baldness.

Medications and medical conditions

Certain medications and medical conditions may cause or at least contribute to hair loss in women, renal failure, beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors are just a few of the conditions and medications that can result in alopecia - the scientif term for the problem..

There are many other factors that may contribute to balding in women including harsh shampoos, perms, bleaching and coloring hair too often.

Female hair transplant techniques are relatively new phenomena. Until quite recently, women that had an issue with their hair had no option but to endure their discomfort. There were some other options available that helped to deal with hair loss problems. These options included using special hairstyles and downplaying the area that was affected and wigs were also used to conceal the balding patches.

After the discovery of hair transplants, life for everyone with a hair loss problem became much easier. Women in particular benefited enormously from using female hair transplant treatments that helped them overcome problems related to hair loss.

Female hair restoration methods are actually pretty routine affairs. A surgeon just needs to transplant tiny groups of follicles into the affected area. These groups of follicles can be extracted from a part of the head where there is full permanent growth of hair.

The length of a single session might play a large role in the success or failure of the surgery for the reason that the more time the follicles are out of the body, the lower its survival rate. In other words, once a hair has been extracted, the sooner it is grafted the better the chance is that it's going to survive. A few shorter sessions will typically provide better results when graft survival is considered, and it'll be more comfortable for the patient also.

Knowing the number of sessions will most likely be a vital matter in terms of the overall female hair transplant cost due to the fact that certain surgeons will charge per session while other surgeons will figure their price per graft. This is why it's crucial to figure out a full fee for all sessions combined. The most accurate way to compare prices between hair transplant surgeons is usually to figure out a total cost per individual hair follicle.

Related Tags: plastic surgery india, cosmetic surgery india, hair transplant india, hair transplant in india, hair transplant clinic india

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