Create and Register a Website
If you're going to have an online business, the first thing you'll need to do of course is to put up a website. You may have never given any thought at all to what it takes to create and manage a website, but there's more to it than you might think.
The first thing you'll have to decide is what to name your website, also known as your domain name, or URL. This is the part of your website's name that comes after the "www". You can name your site anything you like, but you have to name it something unique. There are web sites that let you check on the availability of a domain name, but usually you can do that at domain registrar's site, which we'll cover next.
After ensuring that you have chosen a unique name, you have to register it with a Domain Name Registrar. A Domain Name Registrar is a company which handles the registration, tracking, and reporting of domain names across the Internet. In the old days of the Internet there was only one Registrar, but a few years ago that was changed and now there are many companies to choose from. Search for "domain name registrar" in your search engine to a company to use.
The next thing on your list is to decide who is going to host your website. For this you need a hosting company. A hosting company is simply a company that has a bunch of computers, known as servers, hooked up to a really fast Internet connection. You pay them a monthly fee and they give you a certain amount of space on one of their servers. If you're really ambitious, you can host it yourself on one of your own computers. But this is hardly ever recommended for a commercial website because of the need for an extremely reliable Internet connection, and because of the amount technical competency required to make sure your server is properly configured to handle all of the different types of programs required to serve up your web pages.
The next thing you'll have to do is create the web pages themselves. If you've ever paid much attention to the address, or URL, bar in your browser, you'll know that most web pages are named something-or-other.html (or sometimes just .htm). Most likely you'll want to hire this process out to a professional web design company. They will consult with you to find out what kind of content you want and the overall theme of your site, and they will handle the (extremely) tedious process of creating the code for the actual pages. If you're on a really tight budget you could purchase a pre-packaged web site known as a "template", and replace the generic content with your own content on the pages. Even this method will probably require some professional help, but it won't be nearly as intensive, or expensive, as a custom site.
At this point your site should be up and working, but no one will know how to find it yet. For that you have to make sure it can found by the search engines so that anybody who is looking for your type of product or service will be able to find you. That's a huge topic in and of it, and we'll go into that a little later.
Till next time...Success to you!
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