Tales From the Land of Blackberry About the Famous Technological Joust

by Day Kevi - Date: 2008-10-10 - Word Count: 711 Share This!

There have been wonderful contests in this world, and most of these have led to outcomes which have changed the thought processes in many aspects. In the mobile phone world if such a comparison is made with the thought of BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 vs BlackBerry 8820 black, then the outcomes that are created, create an aura of brilliance and magnificence. There are many features which can create a positive differentiation between both the handsets, and all of them deserve to be given the chance of opening the gates to excellence in the comparison of both of these handsets. However since the underlying characters of both the handsets are mainly under the category of multimedia, hence the feature in this regard deserves to be given the chance.

Hence the multimedia facets of both of the handsets are quite fantastic. The BlackBerry 8820, although comes without a camera but is nevertheless vested with entertainment in the form of a fantastic media player which is capable of making the user dwell in the realms of excellence and happiness whenever he uses this handset. The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 has the gift of camera apart from all the other wonderful features for giving the source of enjoyment to the user. The camera in this mobile device has a decent resolution of 2 MP and therefore pictures with an image resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels can be taken with the help of the camera. Furthermore the presence of Flash feature enables thought-ingling pictures of the setting sun to be taken with amazing picture clarity. The media player is also quite a decent one with the ability to support the formats of MP3, WMA and AAC+. There is also a video player which bears a degree of magnificence with the capability to support the formats of DivX, WMV, XviD and 3gp. Hence the user is given a bundle of entertainment features in the BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220.

The road which runs along merrily to the cities of excellence and brilliance in the mobile phone world, has both the handsets of BlackBerry as its identity. The contest of BlackBerry 8820 Black vs BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 gives the rivalry a feature which further increases their identity. There are many facets which have led to the capability of both of these handsets to attain not a high level of performance but an elite degree of performance. This feature is made evident by two other entities in both of the handsets. This is the entity of connectivity in its two different forms in these two handsets of BlackBerry. Therefore the BlackBerry 8820 has USB capability in the form of a miniUSB feature while the technology of USB v2.0 resides in the BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220. USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a fantastic technology which is quite useful for the purpose of sharing data and is perhaps one of the most dominant technologies being used in the world today. The user is therefore able to harvest the benefits of this technological wizard by using either one of the products of BlackBerry.

The option to increase the available memory also dwells in both of the handsets in its different forms. Hence the BlackBerry 8820 has a card slot which is able to accommodate microSDHC (TransFlash) memory card in order to give the user the ability to increase the memory capability of this widget. The card slot in the BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 is however one of the versatile card slots currently present in the sense that the user has the option of using either the microSD (TransFlash) memory card or the microSDHC memory card in order to increase the memory power of this mobile phone.

Let the contest ( BlackBerry 8820 Black vs BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220) be focused on the overall outer looks of both of the handsets of BlackBerry. The user is given the style factor whenever he has either the BlackBerry 8820 or the BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 with him. The former has a display resolution of about 320 x 240 pixels and is able to support a total of 65K colours. The latter also has a fantastic capability in terms of display and hence is a mobile device with a display resolution of 240 x 320 pixels.

Related Tags: mobile phone, latest mobile phone, blackberry mobile phone, array blackberry 8820 black, array blackberry pearl flip 8220

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