Buying a Wakeboard

by Eric Hartwell - Date: 2007-02-25 - Word Count: 521 Share This!

When you decide to buy a wakeboard of your own, one of the important factor that you have to consider is your body structure and overall weight. It is a given that if you are heavy or bulky rider, you are going to need a bigger board. Also, if you are just starting in the sport and trying to familiarize yourself with the sliding techniques on the waters, a much bigger wakeboard is needed to help you in achieving a much better balance.

Another important criterion that you need to consider when you want to buy a wakeboard is your personal style as a rider. You have your personal style as a wakeboard rider, and this definitely influence you when to decide to buy a wakeboard of your own. It is recommended that you have your own wakeboard. Your choice when buying a wakeboard can also be made upon the advice of your trainer.

A great number of wakeboards that match every available style resulted from technological advancement. According to the material or the shape that is utilized, wakeboards behave and work differently. A particular design works like a skateboard or snowboard. Such type of wakeboard is known as the universal style, and the boarders that use such wakeboard are known for instability and maneuverability. Wakeboards of this style are ideal for wakeboard riders that like to perform high-rotational moves and tricks. Wakeboards with square cut type of angles are known as freestyle boards and have a dynamic acceleration, but there are many models that are less easy to maneuver. Still freestyle boards are great for moves such as big air jumps.

When wanting to buy a wakeboard, most riders will definitely have to look at the boards other important features, such as maneuverability, stability, and dynamic acceleration. Likewise, if riders would want to buy a wakeboard, the material with which the wakeboard is made should also be considered. The wakeboard materials can be grouped into to categories. Wakeboards are either made out of ordinary foam or honeycomb. Wakeboards that made from foam core materials are much more inexpensive, sturdier and more durable. On the other hand, the wakeboards made from honeycomb are much more expensive and lighter. Because of this, most manufacturers produce light foam core wakeboards. Likewise, when riders want to buy a wakeboards, they might also want to buy fins which are sold together with the board. Such fins are of the same brand as the wakeboard and of same quality. You might also have to shell out extra money to purchase bindings, which basically connect the wakeboard to your feet.

Again, personal style should be considered when you buy a wakeboard binding; there are either softer or stiffer boots that will determine position through the lock that is applied in the knees and ankles. It is advisable that when a rider buy a wakeboard binding, be sure to get the best quality, as such boards will really secure the rider's control on the wakeboard. It is advisable when buying a wakeboard to select the new models, most of which have straps that would allow bindings easier and more comfortable to wear.

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