Learn My Adsense System For Adsense Profits
I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of only making a couple of dollars per day from Adsense and receiving emails from "Adsense Gurus" telling me how to make money with their Adsense secret system and promising me that I can make up to $300 per day.
I often find that after parting with my hard earned money that their Adsense secret system basically covers the same information.
I have literally spent hundreds of dollars buying product after product trying to find a system that will work for me. So, what have I learnt?
I have learnt that there really is no Adsense secret system to making money.
After this revelation, I took all the information and "Adsense Secrets" that I had learnt and put it into my own system. I am using this system to make more Adsense Money.
I have summarized my adsense/">adsense system below in the hope that it may help you to refine your own system:
1. Set the financial outcome you want to achieve.
2. Research the internet for potential markets.
3. Find the keywords that will give you good traffic and payment per click.
4. Review the above information and work out if it gives you the return you want to achieve.
5. Find the content that is good quality and useful to your visitors. Will you write it yourself of use Private Label Rights articles?
6. Research and register a suitable domain name.
7. Find a web hosting company
8. Setup a home page and get it indexed by the search engines
9. Build the web site and populate it with content.
10. Position your Adsense Ads and optimize them to deliver relevant ads and increased click through rates.
11. Drive traffic to the web site.
12. Test the effectiveness of the Adsense Ads and adjust them to increase the Return on Investment.
13. Monitor your site Adsense statistics and see what effect your changes have on your Adsense earnings.
14. Take this information and work out how many visitors you will need per day to reach your financial target from Step 1.
15. Drive traffic to your site.
16. Add new content
17. Keep on repeating step 15 and 16 to increase your revenue.
18. Start on your next site and repeat the process.
Well, that's my "Not So Secret system for Adsense Profits" that I am using to make more Adsense Money.
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