MasterMind Groups And Other Partnerships Multiply Your Results With Less Effort

by Glen Hopkins - Date: 2007-03-05 - Word Count: 492 Share This!

Belonging to a mastermind group can accelerate your business growth, increase your personal wealth and help you live the life that you truly deserve. Isn't that what email marketing is all about?

One of the best ways I have found to create a mastermind group is through networking. The more you get to know like-minded people in your industry, the better the chances are of forming a powerful mastermind group.

For example, if you are an Internet marketer like me, you might want a computer programmer, a graphic designer, a copywriter and a sales professional in your group. This way, each of you can approach a challenge from a different perspective and offer valuable insight that the others would never have seen.

I suggest you do some research and learn as much as you can about mastermind groups. Start by networking and meeting with other people. Once you've formed a group, you should meet with each other once every week or two. This can be done online or via the telephone. Look at '' for an example on how it can be done.

A mastermind group gives you a way to learn, understand and apply much more than you know now and at a much faster rate than trying to figure it out yourself. Nobody knows it all, that's why entrepreneurs need to help each other by forming mastermind groups.

Another method to multiply your online results, such as doubling the size of your opt-in email list or increasing your sales is through the use of joint ventures.

Joint ventures are partnerships created with other reputable business people that create a win-win situation for not only you and the person you partner with, but with your customers as well.

Typically, each party takes on a defined role and responsibilities in a given project and shares in both the costs and benefits.

A simple 'ad swap' where each party advertises or recommends the other's product or service in their respective newsletter could be considered a joint venture.

The key is to always send traffic to your squeeze page; the page designed to capture the visitor's name and email address and build your list.

Create a subscription page for your newsletter. Once the visitor subscribes to your ezine, have them automatically forwarded to a 'Thank You' page that offers your partner's ezine along with a recommendations. The recommendation will greatly improve the response you get, so give your partner a good one.

Now, you have your partner do the same thing. Provided both of you are generating approximately the same amount of new subscribers per day, you will double your subscription rate.

Another type of joint venture is in the form of a personal endorsement that each partner sends out to his respective ezine readers.

Keep in mind that developing good JV partnerships is much like building a responsive list. You need to develop some rapport and build relationships, but joint ventures reap amazing results. Haven't your heard that two heads are better than one?

Related Tags: internet marketing, traffic, list building, mastermind, groups, partnerships

Glen Hopkins is an internationally renowned Internet marketer and the #1 Best Selling Author of "Lucrative List Building".He specializes in helping online businesses build large, profitable email lists. Visit for his free report on "Top 10 List Building Secrets" (valued at $97).

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