To Ensure A Successful Business Start Up - Ask Yourself The Following Ten Questions
Question # 1- Who is your competition? What is out there? How can you be better? What do you have, or what can you offer that your competitor doesn't?
Question # 2 - What legal requirements are there to start up a company? How do you get a business license and what is a fictional business name, why do I need it and how do I get it? Do I need a tax ID?
Question # 3 - How do I get financing? Do I need financing? How much money do I actually need to start up my business?
Question # 4 - What the heck should I charge?
Question # 5 - Where can you get business cards at the best price? What about letter head, etc? Do I need them? What about brochures? What are my competitors using? What can I do better then my competitors?
Question # 6 - How do I market my business?
Question # 7 - Do I need a web site? What is a Blog and do I need one?
Question # 8 - Do I need legal representation? What about an accountant?
Question # 9 - Do I need to rent a space or will I work out of my home? What are the consequences of either decision?
Question # 10 - Finally, what kind of records do I need? How long should I keep them, and where should I keep them?
After asking and answering the above ten questions, the next step is to take action. Take that first step in building your business. After that keep taking more steps, until you have laid a firm and solid foundation.
Do not be overwhelmed by the list of things you need to get done. Look at one thing at a time and do it. Taking action will lead to more action. It creates momentum in your business. For more assistance in creating a successful business and reaching your dreams, check out
Related Tags: coaching, dream, achievement, goal, new business, business start up
Contact to learn more. Susan Feder specializes in success coaching, small business consulting and "Find Your Passsion" workshops. She is the owner of Coaching4tomorrow and AMN (Achieve More Now) Enterprises. She currently is offering individual and group coaching, Mastermind Groups and personalized "Find Your Passion" workshops and retreats.
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