Aston Martin - A Classic Bond Car

by Micael - Date: 2007-02-17 - Word Count: 461 Share This!

While the emergence of some products naturally swings them into rousing fame through a chain of positive customer feedbacks, others ride through the fame of noteworthy achievers. The good news is that Aston Martin shares both backgrounds. This assertion finds justification in the fact that Aston, on one hand, got bequeathed to humans as a technological masterpiece. On the other hand, it had a princely romance with the celebrated US film Star - James Bond, 007 when it first surfaced a couple of decades back. What that simply tells you is that it projects itself to you as achiever's car. A car for the bold and value driven folks.

Sure, Aston's technology had tirelessly witnessed several stages of review to arrive at its present dazzling craft. Of course, you need to muster some degree of maturity to beat the rather intoxicating effect of its athletic capacities.

Some of the amazing features may be highlighted briefly:

Aston's bones have been so skillfully styled to reflect rare beauty and glamour with a tint of unique colour selection. Imagine the smoothness of the nose almost showcasing the finishing of US presidential jet. Besides the ever glowing harmony of the headlights and rear lights make your night cruise totally risk-free.

The V12 engine harbours well over 500horse-power with partially automatic transmission. Due to its colossal power, it comes with a louder exhaust. No wander a teaming luxury car prospects have continually applauded the sophistication brought into the engine update.

The interior is roomy enough to accommodate four well-fed adults with ease. The seats got the finishing reminiscent of five star hotel suits. Manipulating the user-friendly doors gives you acute sense of comfort.

The exceptional agility of the vehicle plus the stability of the wheels serve as your confidence provider per excellence as you take your ride in Aston.

For an automobile to successfully support the goal, image and taste of an accomplished artiste, it must have been sculptured to a high versatility. But Aston delivers just that and more.

To the great delight of enthusiasts, a perfect mix of the old into the new design can be clearly identified. Here comes the feature that naturally delivers Aston's royal image thus making it more irresistible than other products in its class. For instance the weight of this new update is clearly commensurate to its general size.

Against the background of such features as are highlighted above Aston is sworn to win many a tournament race and cart away many a medal. Your guess is right. That exactly is the factor responsible for the Aston Martin's expanded market base. What a beauty to behold and finally grab!

Michael Madsen is a car fanatic. Check out his favourite car website about supercars. Especially the Aston Martin Vanquish. Also check out the car wallpaper section.

Related Tags: cars, supercars, cool cars, fast cars

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