Vaginal Yeast Infections: The Symptoms

by James Penn - Date: 2007-05-20 - Word Count: 398 Share This!

One of them major problems with vaginal yeast infections is that people don't always feel comfortable discussing the issue with their health professional. If you think you have an infection you need to speak with a professional and get your concern diagnosed.

One way you can begin, is to do some research. Some people feel more comfortable knowing a little more before they speak with someone.
The first time you experience issues with your nether region, you really should speak to a doctor. Once you know what you have you will be able to detect it if it happens again. Because vaginal yeast infections can be a symptom of more serious health problems, you need to check your health with a doctor. Another concern is if you do not have a vaginal yeast infection then vaginal yeast infection treatments will be fruitless and only leave you sicker for longer.

If you use a treatment designed for a vaginal yeast infection and you actually have another disease or disorder, you will create a tolerance against the medication. Which means if you do at some point experience a vaginal yeast infection, you will not find the medications as effective.

A health professional can however take a swab and tell in absolute certainty if you have vaginal yeast infection. So if you do experience some of the following symptoms, or have concerns, visit your doctor.

While everybody has a different body, the following symptoms are common in most people experience when they have a vaginal yeast infection.
- Most vaginal yeast infections will cause a strong itch. The itchy sensation turns into a burning feeling. The itching and burning feeling occurs inside the vagina and in the exterior vagina area.
- The itching and/or burning are not always there and can come and go.
- In more advanced causes the itching and burning can be so bad the person cannot walk.
- A vaginal yeast infection will look like white discharge that is lumpy. It can be thick or thin and can be yellow.
- Vaginal yeast infections smell like yeast. If you don't know what yeast smells like, then consider the smells emitted by every day products such as bread or even beer.

The most important fact is that if you vagina changes or feels slighlty different, you need to monitor it and speak with a health professional if you have any queries or concerns.

Related Tags: yeast infection, vaginal yeast infection, cure yeast infection

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