How To Get Rid Of Fatigue

by User name - Peter Hutch - Date: 2008-06-28 - Word Count: 526 Share This!

Everyone experiences fatigue. The stay-at-home parent regularly spends the whole day cleaning, running errands, shopping and attending to chores. The average office worker gets up in the morning, rushes into traffic and then gets besieged by paperwork, bosses and office stress throughout the whole day. Even the average high school student has to contend with schoolwork, extra-curricular activities and the pressures of adolescent life.

Fatigue can take a toll on your mind as well, experts agree. Thinking becomes difficult and confused. Decisions come slowly. Even your outlook on life turns gloomy. The result is that fatigue can lead to poor work performance, less interaction with friends and family and less participation in the sports and activities you enjoy. That's bad news if you're used to being an active woman. But the good news is that with a little detective work, you can almost always get to the source of the problem and reclaim your energy and vitality.

Fatigue causes anxiety, fear as well as chronic depression and it also ages a person, making him or her vulnerable to contracting serious mental problems such as schizophrenia and paranoia and these may be caused by lack of sleep or insomnia as it is also known. So you should try to reduce your fatigue through spirtual meditation and frequent exercises. Yoga is a good exercise to help one relieve sleeping problem symtoms.

The easiest way to remedy this is to adjust your daily routine so you will have the optimum amount of sleep needed for a day's worth of energy. Everyone has a different sleep need, depending on age (children need more hours of sleep than adults, for example) but the National Sleep Foundation based in the United States maintains that for adults, eight to nine hours of sleep is optimal. However, just as important as the amount of sleep you get is the time you sleep.

Get your sleep

This sounds like a no-brainer but a surprising number of women who complain of chronic fatigue simply aren't getting enough sleep. The human body needs at least seven hours a night to function properly. Also, try to get in to a pattern of going to bed at the same time, as this encourages a deep, restful sleep.

Excercise regularly to get rid of fatigue. If you're not getting regular phsyical activity, just climbing a flight of stairs can leave you feeling fatigued. More exercise will get your body into better shape and leave you feeling naturally energized. If you're out of shape regular exercise can be intimidating, but remember that getting into better shape doesn't require intense physical exertion.

Diagnosing fatigue is not hard. Do you feel tired? All the time? Physical and mental fatigue are common problems, usually symptomatic of your lifetyle or an underlying medical condition. Living with fatigue can and will damage your work, personal, and social lives and even be hazardous to yourself and others (ever see what happens to a driver who falls asleep at the wheel?). Luckily, you can usually get rid of your fatigue by addressing the lifestyle choices to blame (such as poor sleeping, eating, and exercise habits), and/or talking to your doctor about possible medical causes.

Related Tags: fatigue, fatigue causes, get rid of fatigue, how to get rid of fatigue, causes of fatigue

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