Give Yourself a Bonus When You Buy a New Home

by Darlene Bauer - Date: 2007-05-09 - Word Count: 527 Share This!

Have you ever heard of receiving money after a new home purchase? Most people would say no, unless you happen to live in Texas. That's right, there's a new trend in real estate, and it's to offer buyers a cash rebate on the purchase of any new home you set your sights on.

Cash rebate, for a home purchase? Yes, you read that correctly. Many people aren't aware that when a homebuilder builds a home and then offers it for sale, a 3 percent commission charge is generally tacked onto the sale price of that home. In most cases, when that new home is purchased through a realtor, the realtor pockets the commission. If the homebuyers don't go through a realty agent, the homebuilder pockets that commission and adds it to his profit.

If you live in the great state of Texas, and you know your stuff when it comes to builders and real estate agents, you may be able to receive 2 percent of that commission to pocket, just for purchasing a new home! That can add up to thousands of dollars of savings, which can be applied to your down payment, your escrow fees, or to enjoy any way you see fit.

Buying a new home can be a drain on anyone's finances, especially after down payments, closing costs, mortgage and insurance premiums and taxes are figured into the bargain. No matter where you're looking, or how big or small your dreams, it pays to know the ups and downs of real estate in your area. Don't forget the cost of hiring an inspector to make sure that everything's in good working order, and above all, read everything that passes through your hands, especially the small print. Even so, costs can add up fast.

Why be limited to sales and cash rebates when purchasing clothing goods and automobiles? The idea offers a burst of adrenaline to the real estate market, one that is bound to take off not only throughout Texas, but around the country as well, especially during real estate slumps as those that hit the seller's market this last winter and spring. What a way to infuse new life into the housing market!

Many people don't want to involve a realtor when searching for a new home, mainly because they don't want to have to pay commission fees to the realtor. On the other end of the spectrum, most real estate agents wouldn't be to happy to share their commission with you, the buyer, and buyers rarely hear of the 3 percent commission that's included in the homebuilder's selling price. Now you know.

While the concept of cash rebates is new to the real estate market, it is one that has been a long time in coming, and people may wonder why someone didn't think of it earlier. Some think that receiving a cash rebate on the purchase of a new home is not legal, but it is. Proper paperwork regarding the transaction will be filed with all the appropriate authorities so you have nothing to worry about. All you have to do is find an agent who offers cash rebates on the sale of new homes.

Related Tags: dallas, houston, austin, san antonio, texas new homes, texas new home buyers

Darlene Bauer with offers cash rebates to new home and land buyers in the stateof Texas. Discover a little known real estate strategy that puts thousands of dollars into home buyer's pockets!

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