A Hope, A Prayer And A Candy Bar

by Kidfluence - Date: 2007-06-19 - Word Count: 461 Share This!

"Don't worry, you're beautiful!"

Or so everyone tells you. But to you… It's just a phrase repeated over and over in an effort to cheer you up. You might look in the mirror and see someone ugly, someone who is looked down on, on a daily basis. You close your eyes, and picture the images you've seen in magazines, Heroes, Super Models, Hunks…. And when you reopen your eyes, that same perfect figure isn't there anymore. Simply yourself is staring back at you.

All my life, I've dealt with being, "chubby" and overweight. I've gotten 'those' looks from the skinny girls, and I've had the boys whisper mean jokes about me behind my back. I've been through those depressed stages when staring at the pretty girls with the handsome guys. I've been through wearing the baggy clothes to hide my body, and lying about why I was really wearing them. "I'm just more comfortable in these." The lies came out easily, but they still hurt on the inside.

So, what changed all that?

Well, I did!

Some people might say it's because of my new hair, or because of the makeup I began to wear, and sure that may be part of feeling beautiful, but at the same time it isn't. Because, being beautiful is all about believing in yourself! So what if you want that extra candy bar once in awhile? As long as the person you see in the mirror is just as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside, you should go for it!

Making simple changes like walking for 25-30 minutes three times a week, or replacing an extra candy bar with an apple, or drinking a water instead of a soda began to have a wonderful affect on me! Soon people and teachers at my school were saying, "You lost weight! You look great!" I began to feel more proud of myself. Not only because of the weight I had lost, but because of my new confidence gain. Because I had replaced that candy bar with an apple, or a granola bar, it meant I had become further away from my depression.

Because, like many other people who are overweight, many of my bad eating habits came from being depressed. I would tell myself it was hopeless to lose all this weight, so what is one more tub of ice cream going to do? I'd try and convince myself that I didn't care what the other kids at my school though of me. But that wasn't true either…

The farther I moved away from that thinking, the more weight I lost, and the happier I became! More outgoing, and confident! Being beautiful on the inside, is the first step to being beautiful on the outside.

Related Tags: beauty, weight, teen, teenage

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