Clean Your Insides - How to Have a Healthy Gut

by Melanie Click - Date: 2008-11-21 - Word Count: 261 Share This!

Many people now think that irrigating their colon is a must for health, but mankind has survived for many years without it. However, these days there are many more chemicals and a great deal of stress to consider. But if you don't like the idea of having your colon washed out, there are other things you can do to keep it in good shape.

Deep breathing is a way of dealing with the stress that can affect your colon. Both soluble and insoluble fibres are necessary, so eat plenty of fruits, nuts, whole grains and vegetables. Essential oils also help in the lubrication process and are good for you. Flaxseed, fish oil, coconut oil and olive oil are the good oils. Digestive enzymes also help to break down what you eat so that your body can absorb it properly. Not only will it help you relax, but it has a physical effect on the colon as pressure from the diaphragm acts as a rubbish compactor on your intestines. Drinking plenty of clean water each day will also help to flush out your colon.

Eating plenty of fibre is one of the best ways to make sure there is no compaction of the colon. Both soluble and insoluble fibres are necessary, so eat plenty of fruits, nuts, whole grains and vegetables. Essential oils also help in the lubrication process and are good for you. Flaxseed, fish oil, coconut oil and olive oil are the good oils. Digestive enzymes also help to break down what you eat so that your body can absorb it properly.

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