Network Marketing - When You Shouldn't Be The Expert
If your an expert on your company or how MLM works, that's great but can your new people do what your doing? Is there duplication? What you need is a system or systems that everyone can do. We all have different comfort levels, strengths and weaknesses. Some people may be great at doing presentations, I for one hate doing presentations. They make me very uncomfortable, so I don't do them. The point is that's ok because there are other options available.
Setting yourself up as an expert is sometimes like shooting yourself in the foot. It's not always possible to duplicate. Over the course of your career you will eventually become an expert and be able to help others by being the go between and by that I'm talking about the 3-way call.
When your working to create additional from home your goal should be a combination of retailing product and sponsoring new affiliates. Let's start with retailing. You don't need to be the expert about your products. You simply need to tell a story about the benefits of your product,whether it's your story or someone elses. If someone wants to know more about the product there should be someone there for you, to be the expert.
Exposing someone to your business can be as simple as handing them a cd or putting them on a conference call. This step is to give them a general over view of your business. The 3-way call is the means to answer all of your prospects questions...not to close the deal. You are the one building the relationship. What happens next? Your prospect will realize "Hey I can do This. Hand out a cd, have my upline, my team help me when I need it and NOT have to be the expert!"
Many people are looking to create additional income from home, as many as 170,000 people are joining home-based business every WEEK. Unfortunately most of them are failing because they don't have a system or the support and training they need. Sales is a part of Network Marketing and MLM but the relationships that you build are what enables you to create long term, walk away residual income.
Related Tags: marketing, mlm, success, training, downline, sponsoring, prospects, duplication, upline
Janet Napora is actively building a network marketing business. She also does business coaching for any one in any company. You can download the free ebook Success in 10 Steps. Visit You can also learn more by visiting her blog at
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