What Do Your Colors Say About You?

by Alex Daniels - Date: 2007-01-12 - Word Count: 282 Share This!

Whether you realize it or not we all favor certain colors and there are reasons for that. In our personality and who we are stems a likeness of certain colors. I am sure you have heard the expression "You are a warm tone or you are a cool tone". This means that you favor these tones as your choice.

In your home you will find that certain colors make you feel a certain way. They can affect your mood, your ability to create, or how you express yourself in your home. The color palette you chose in your surroundings will give a message as what you are saying about yourself.

* Red is passionate

* Blue is calming

* Black and white is non-descript but appealing to others.

Whatever color you choose it can very at different times in your life. When you are young your choice has to do with self expression. Often it is a loud voice that needs to be heard. Having your own first home can be a challenge that experience will teach the mistakes you possibly made.

* You chose color that in time you find are bringing out feelings and actions which are negative triggers.

* A child comes along and we are going to do the nursery. There are the traditional tones which we feel are soothing and bring a calming atmosphere to you and your child.

* In a child's play area they find bold colors are very stimulating to the child. This atmosphere creates curiosity and learning which is what we want our playing child to experience.

* Your bedroom should be a color that makes the feelings in you loving, comforting and relaxing. If you are married, you want the d

Related Tags: decorating, decor, color, colors, psychology

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