It's time for a Change
- Date: 2006-10-16 - Word Count: 621
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It's Time for a Decision As a dependent corporate employee, you have absolutely no control over how much you earn, where you work or your position. At any given moment you can get fired. True Financial Security is belief in yourself and your ability to create income at anytime, anywhere. Entrepreneurs understand true Financial Security. We know that regardless of the economy, we have the skills and guts to create our own life. Entrepreneurs refuse to be dependent of the decisions of Corporate America. Having Your Own Home Business The security of employment is no longer assured. The temptation of having a home business to escape the rat race is irresistible. What are the problems that have to be considered when making this decision? And what are the rewards and benefits that can be gained? What you will face: - There is no longer a paycheck at the end of every month. - You will have to provide your own pension, insurance and sorting out your taxes. - The distractions of working at home. You have to be productive in a place where you used to relax. Now let's take a look at the benefits:: - You will enjoy the flexibility of being able to work to suit your circumstances. - Your quality of life will be enhanced. There is far less stress when you are in control than when you are at the mercy of the traffic or the boss. - You will have a consequent improvement in your health. - You will have total control over your profits and life. So why work from home? Because you DESERVE IT! It's just a matter of DESIRE. Facts about Network Marketing Network marketing is one of the fastest-growing business models of the past few decades. Between 1993 and 2003, total direct selling revenues grew by 7.1% annually, dramatically above the rate of growth of the economy -- and of total retail sales (according to the Direct Selling Association). In 2003, U.S. total direct selling sales totaled more than $29 billion, or almost 1% of the over $3,397 billion for total U.S. retail sales (U.S. Census Bureau). Any business model that has achieved this kind of success has lessons that all business people can learn from. Small companies have the best chance of grabbing a well-defined clientele. When selecting a company to work with, choose a company with a well formulated system and marketing plan . One that teaches you how to advertise in a wide variety of media to get your phone ringing. Tips for the New Network Marketer Successful network marketers are those whose businesses are extremely profitable and whose personal lives are filled with friends and loving relationships. The mega-successful, high-dollar-earning network marketers are the greatest and most active givers you know. They are always on the lookout for a piece of information that will interest someone in their network of friends and prospects -- regardless of whether or not it's business-related. In other words, they try so hard to help each other succeed, that success comes back to each of them in spades. You can probably see how the goodwill and positive feeling you elicit in others can come back to you in incredible abundance. Just get out there and give! You'll get back so much in return, you'll be a network superstar before you know it. If this is what you are looking for, I invite you to go to our website: The same opportunity that made us financially successful will be presented to you. To your success, Sam and Danyela Vella
About the Authors: Sam and Danyela Vella are leaders in the Network Marketing industry. They are premier trainers and business educators in the field of wealth creation. Contact them at: or 858.605.0888.
Related Tags: internet marketing, network marketing, wealth creation, home business for entrepreneurs
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