Buying Organic Produce On A Budget

by Amber Keinath - Date: 2010-10-11 - Word Count: 474 Share This!

Recently, there has been so much information out there on the importance of organic produce. As part of all this has been the debate between the nutrient quality of conventional and organic produce and the price between to the two.

However, do not be fooled any longer! Recent studies have indeed shown that organic produce is higher in nutrient content compared to conventionally grown produce and during taste tests, was thought to be better tasting than conventional products.

Organic produce is higher in nutrient content and lower in cancer and other disease causing chemicals and pesticides than conventional produce.

So, in order to get the best possible food for your family, how do you make sure you can afford organic produce on your budget?

Here are 5 Tips for Buying Organic Produce on a Budget

1. Talk to the farmers at the farmer's markets. These farmers are typically from small local farms that most likely grow their produce in organic conditions. Organic certification is expensive, so most small farmers can't afford to get certified even though their produce is actually organic. So talk to your local farmers and support your local economy.
2. Buy organic produce that is in season in your area. When you buy organic produce in season, it is typically higher in nutrient content and cheaper which means you get the best of both worlds. Local and in season organic produce is a lot of times cheaper than the conventional tropical fruits that have to be flown in from long distances during the off seasons.
3. Pick and choose what produce is of the highest priority for you to buy organic. Just switching to one or two main organic fruits or vegetables can help you avoid a lot of pesticides and other chemicals. There are lists on the internet that you can find which conventional produce has the highest pesticide residue and maybe switch to organic with these fruits and vegetables.
4. Grow your own organic produce. This is a lot less expensive option and can yield the highest nutrient content of store bought organic produce (and you get to eat it at its nutritional peak). If you do not have ample outdoor space to grow an organic garden, container gardening is a great alternative.
5. What is most important to you? Are you mostly concerned with the price and quantity of food you are buying, or are you more concerned with the nutrient quality of your food? In the long run, good health is more economical than sticking with food and produce that is high in pesticides and hormones that are harmful for you just to save a dollar. Think about the priority of what to spend more money on and where you can save your money!
Through these 5 tips, you will be on your way to better health and food that has so many more vitamins and minerals for ultimate quality of life.

Related Tags: budget, organic vegetables, organic fruit, organic produce, how to be healthy, get healthy, is organic healthy, amber keinath, rn health coach, expensive organic

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