Make Money With Information Ebook Products: The Other End

by Stephanie Histockery - Date: 2007-01-21 - Word Count: 364 Share This!

I don't like thinking of myself as the kind of person that has made it rich on the internet, but in some ways I am. I started out like most people, signing up for affiliate programs and promoting OTHER people's products. I'd make some money, nothing big. I couldn't help but think what it must be like for the people on the other end. I mean, think about it. They sell their item directly and then you do the work for them which rake in more sales. I wanted to be on that end of the market. So I decided to start my own website selling information products which I purchased from vendors. Let me tell you, resale rights are expensive.

I tried those stupid eBay e-books that offer resell rights but they offer them for a reason. Because they are hard to sell and usually won't make that much money. So after years of trying different products, I finally found one that works. It was a product featured at I took it at the advice of a fellow work-at-homer. I figured great, another e-book with resell rights. My friend told me to try and if I didn't make 10 sales, he would pay for it. What did I have to lose?

Three months later I am now making about $100 a day selling the same product. Here are some tips. First, buy a product that sells. The one I purchased at was an amazing find. You can try that or another product. Just make sure it can convert. Next get a domain name that contains your product keyword in the URL. Now submit to search engines. Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips. Keep your keywords in your content. Write a great web copy and make sure you explain to visitors your BENEFITS not FEATURES. Example, an ROI (Return on Investment) calculator is a feature, the benefit is that it will save the consumer time and money. Keep our site professional and offer an email or phone number for help always.

Follow these tips and you should be getting traffic and conversions in no time. Let me know about your progress by contacting me.

Related Tags: money, affiliate program, work at home, internet, make money, business, affiliate, domain, ebook

I am a simple web entrepreneur. I started about 6 years ago and have finally found something that works. The product I recommend strongly is the Subliminal Black Book. Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles

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