Mobile Phone Use: Past...present and Future

by Keith Rickwood - Date: 2007-02-01 - Word Count: 342 Share This!

Mobile phones from being a mere communication device have taken big leaps over the years and today have become a multi-utility device making quite a replacements. Mobile phones these days have cameras, music player, video-recorders, FM radio, Browsers, Business applications enabled in it to give you wholesome entertainment and help you get more from a single gizmo. With the advent of new technologies, the mobile phone use is expected to increase in future.

In the past mobile phone use was mainly confined to making and receiving calls. Handsets were bulky and bigger in size and were installed into cars. It was in 90's that mobile phones truly began to emerge. Smaller and slimmer in dimensions and with longer battery life, these phones became an instant hit with people. The only barrier was its heavy pricing which made it confined to an exclusive customer segment. The entry of many players and stiff competition between them in addition to the advent of low cost technologies like 2G and 3G enabled entry of cheaper mobile phones and affordable price plans.

With mobile telephony coming into the budget of many a people, mobile phones today cater to a wider consumer base. The use of mobile phones have been broadened with the inclusion of new features allowing mobile users to do more with their mobile phones. Today you have handsets designed by prominent designers with the best of metals used on it. You can listen to music, click print like images, shoot DVD quality videos, surf the web, make conferences and video calls or simply work on the move.

In the future mobile phones are set to play a much bigger role in to the life's of common people. Mobile banking and shopping have already been introduced and with time they are going to get more popular. With 4G technology in the offing people will be able to watch their favourite soaps and programs on mobile. It is expected that in the years to come mobile phones will replace personal computers and laptops. It certainly looks exciting ahead!

Related Tags: mobile phones, mobile phone, contract mobiles, mobile deals, mobile phone use, mobile phone contracts

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