Web Based Employee Time Clock

by John Furnem - Date: 2006-12-11 - Word Count: 520 Share This!

The power of the internet is in its connectivity. Many people think that the internet is great because of its property as a great information resource. However, the true power of the internet lies in the fact that it does connect every people in the whole world to each other. One of the examples of this connectivity is the web based employee time clock.

There are many benefits that can be obtained from a web based employee time clock. Here are some of them:

1) Multiple locations - if your office has branches in different parts of the world, it can be quite hard to see the right time that employees have punched in. A web based employee time clock allows a company to monitor its employees from anywhere in the world. This means that no one will miscalculate anything because of the time difference.

We all know that companies today need to go international in order to actually gain some progress. The development of the web based employee time clock just shows you the dire need for international communication today.

Having web based employee time clocks also mean that branches won't have to send reports and paperwork to the main office. It can simply be done through the internet. This means that a lot of cash is saved on delivery and courier services.

2) Reports - The main purpose of keeping employee time clocks is for financial reports and payroll. Those companies which make use of conventional time clocks often gather the records of each employee and then prepare reports based on these. The web based employee time clock eliminates the need for this.

The web based employee time clock can actually prepare financial statements and payroll on its own. This means that there is less work to be done. This also means that fewer resources would be used in preparing the statements and in submitting them.

One of the common problems of payroll is the fact that different employees often work for different rates. This can be quite confusing for a book keeper. In fact, some book keepers may end up in a lot of trouble because of a simple miscalculation in the time and rate of the employee. A web based employee time clock will be able to adjust to any changes that management makes and thus, still keep the proper records at all times.

Since the web based employee time clock gets the time direct from the server, employees have no way of adjusting or faking it. This means that a company can make sure that employees are being paid exactly what they are due.

The time clock has come a long way from the early days of the punch clock, the improvements and upgrades that have been made for better use and more precision for those clocks has made a huge difference in many industries, as employers you have a clear interest in paying employees only for the time that they actually work, but for employees there is also a motive in having a precise and true documentation of their productivity and turnout, in basic principle both side are winners when using the employee time clock.

Related Tags: web based employee time clock, web employee time clock, internet time clock, employee time clock

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