Permanent Fix For Xbox 360 Red Ring Of Death : Getting Xbox Up And Running Again The Fast And Easy W

by JWest - Date: 2010-07-17 - Word Count: 445 Share This!

The Xbox 360 red ring of death is the most dreadful error that Xbox users don't want to experience. Chance of receiving this error is 1 in 3. Don't despair though because there is still hope.

Overview of the dreadful Xbox 360 red ring of death
Xbox 360 base the number of red lights as an indicator of an error

1 red light means that you are experiencing a general hardware failure
2 red lights mean that your Xbox system is getting too hot. Just turn it off and unplug the power cord of your Xbox 360 to avoid further damage
3 red lights indicate the dreaded Xbox 360 red ring of death. Check out the next section on how to deal with this problem
4 red lights simply mean that your AV cable is loose. All you need to do is to check your physical connection and make sure everything is plugged in properly. If still it doesn't work, replace the cable.

Causes of 1 and 3 Red light errors on your Xbox: The Xbox 360 red ring of death

Too much heat given off by the motherboard of your Xbox 360 will cause the soldering which holds the GPU that manipulates the computer graphics in the Xbox system, to melt. When there is a loose GPU, you will get one or three red light errors on your Xbox 360.

Fixing the Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death

There is a large global corporation that can actually get your Xbox 360 problem fixed. It's just that they charge you for around $200 for the repair bill and will ask you to send your Xbox 360 to them which will not allow you to play your game for about 8 weeks.

However there is a fix for the Xbox 360 red ring of death which is fast and easy. It will also be more convenient for you because you can actually do it on you own at the comfort of your own home. No matter how non-techie you are, you can fix your Xbox 360 red ring of death in the soonest possible time by simply following made easy instructions that will guide you through the whole process. There are several repair guides available online that you can try checking out. Just look for the one that includes videos to make it more convenient for you. Before purchasing a repair guide online, make sure that there is a money back guarantee and contact information for you to get hold of the seller just in case you encounter any issues. This is to make sure that you are not being scammed in trying to get a good guide to fix Xbox 360 red ring of death.

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