Toshiba 42av635: A Balance Of Excellence And Value

by Alex Bradbury - Date: 2010-09-08 - Word Count: 526 Share This!

For an LCD TV with a very low price tag, it would most definitely be a shocker to see that it is attached with a brand name like Toshiba. Toshiba LCD TVs have long been famous for the quality they provide in their products and that's why they are among the top brands highly lauded and touted as among the best. Also, for a purchase cost deemed to be cheap, the Toshiba 42AV635 doesn't fit the bill. The Toshiba 42AV635 looks stunningly attractive with its high gloss black finish with the Toshiba logo being illuminated without looking tacky.

Being a 42 inch widescreen LCD display model, the Toshiba 42AV635 offers full High Definition resolution, whereas the same models in the line-up with lower screen sizes are only HD ready. In fact, other LCD TV models with the same display size from other manufacturers also only feature an HD Ready display. This alone is a great advantage for the Toshiba 42AV635. And while some would find the fact that the Toshiba 42AV635 is an entry level model and that would mean lower quality, it is surprisingly very impressive and this is because Toshiba have still included their video performance enhancing technology, the Active Vision II and the Resolution Plus, which thankfully was not removed because of the great price cut.

For those who don't know yet, the Resolution plus technology of Toshiba is an ingenious processing system that allows the Toshiba 42AV635 to upscale standard definition images to optimize the screen's high definition resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Working hand in hand is the Active Vision II technology which works to enhance performance of almost all aspects of the Toshiba including its output of sharpness, colour, motion, and contrast. To top it off, this Toshiba TV has a very user friendly on screen menu display which allows the user to tweak the picture quality including adjustments for gamma, noise, and a refined arrangement for management of colour where saturation and hue levels can be easily modified.

An initial minor disappointment with the performance of the Toshiba 42AV635 is its lack of brightness. For optimal picture quality, it would be best to place the TV in a room where the light is not overly bright. But once you get past that, you will see that this Toshiba TV delivers on its promise of top notch performance quality. One aspect that stands out with the Toshiba is its levels of black colour. It may not be the best there is, but for an entry level, it is far better than the competition. And also, with the resolution plus at work, the Toshiba 42AV635 is able to reproduce sharper videos coming from Freeview with less noise, comparably much better even with other LCD TVs with a higher bracket level.

The Toshiba 42AV635 may not be the best choice for those who have discriminating taste in an LCD TV and are always on the prowl for the highest performance output, but this is certainly the TV for those who are looking for a television with a large screen display to adorn their living room without having to clean out their bank accounts.

Related Tags: toshiba lcd tv, toshiba 42av635, toshiba 42av635 review, toshiba televisions

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