Versatile And Attractive Wooden Tv Stands For Your Home

by Mark Smith - Date: 2010-09-12 - Word Count: 459 Share This!

Wooden TV stands come in a range of different styles and designs. They offer a versatile and attractive way to display your television equipment. Wooden TV stands are available in both contemporary and traditional designs so you should be able to find a style to suit your home, whatever décor you have.

Traditional Homes

Wooden TV stands are ideal for traditional style homes as they are available in a number of conventional designs that will match existing furniture. You can get designs that look like antique pieces of furniture even though they are brand new. Wooden TV stands are made in different woods such as pine, maple, oak and cherry. There are also some more exotic wood TV stands available such as Indian rubber wood which has a glossy dark finish. Wooden TV stands can offer an elegant and stylish look to your home and they also create a more organic, natural feel. Solid wood television stands will last for many years and so can be a good investment. Wooden TV stands suit traditional homes much better than the high tech look of modern glass, plastic and metal TV stands.

Modern Homes

Wood is still widely used in modern furniture so you can get a number of wooden TV stands that have modern designs suitable for contemporary homes. As well as solid wood furniture you can also get a range of attractive and affordable laminate wooden TV stands are well. These offer lightweight, modern designs that provide you with a cost effective way to display your television.

Choosing Wooden TV stands

You will need to consider ventilation when you are buying wooden TV stands. Many have closed cabinet designs with glass or wood shelves. This is not so suitable for electrical devices as they need plenty of ventilation otherwise they could overheat. Open frame wooden TV stands provide better ventilation for television equipment such as DVD players and satellite boxes. If you do want a cabinet design then look for those that can offer side or back panel ventilation. If there are none available then you could carefully drill your own ventilation holes into the back panels. Many laminate cabinets have very thin back panels which can be taken off completely for additional ventilation. This will not affect the structure of the laminate cabinet and if the cabinet is pushed back against the wall you will not see that back panel anyway. Closed cabinet wooden TV stand designs do provide a way for you to hide away all of the television equipment and cables. In general the television would sit on top of the cabinet and all the other equipment would be hidden away behind the closed cabinet doors. This is a tidy way to display your television and store all of your equipment together.

Related Tags: wood tv stands, wooden tv stands, wood tv stand, wood corner tv stands, dark wood tv stands, solid wood tv stand, wood plasma tv stands

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