3 Ways To Get Traffic To Your Google Adsense Focused Website

by Adrian Hargray - Date: 2010-08-26 - Word Count: 518 Share This!

With googe adsense, alot of new beginners are frustrated by their lack of earnings. This is because when they login to their account, they see earnings of $0.00 each and everyday. The most obvious way to improve these results is with more traffic, and this is what this article will focus on.

It doesn't matter what your strategy is for getting more clicks from google adsense. Without traffic, your income will remain at $0 and your business may just as well be in trouble. So in this article, we will take a look at some ways to get traffic to your google adsense pages so that you can maximize your income in the shortest amount of time as possible. Here's traffic tip number 1:

1) Forum marketing

If you're operating in a niche, then forum marketing is a choice for you. With forum marketing, you want to deliver quality information to the forum members and advertise your site via the signature of your posts. You never want to blatantly advertise your site in the forum posts since this is the fastest way to get banned from a forum.

All you want to do is give helpful information to the people who need it and be a helpful person on the forum. Here's another great way to get traffic to your google adsense pages.

2) Article marketing

With article marketing, what you want to do is write 300-500 word articles on topics that relate to your adsense focused website. You will want to submit these articles to the topic article directories online. I have compiled a list of my top 5 article directories and have listed them below:

- EzineArticles.com
- goarticles.com
- ideamarketers.com
- articlesbase.com
- articledashboard.com

All of these websites get alot of traffic, and you will benefit from the traffic that they can deliver to your site. The way article marketing works is simple - you get traffic in 2 ways.

The first way you get traffic is via the search engines, and the second way you get traffic is when website owners view your articles and publish them on your website. Your website information will remain intact when website owners publish your article, so you can lay rest assured that full credit will be given to you.

Here's another great way to get traffic to your google adsense pages:

3) Video marketing

Video marketing is huge right now, and is something that you will want to cash in on starting today. What you want to do is create a 3-5 minute long video about something that relates to your website. You will want to include your website information at the bottom of your video so that visitors will know where to visit for more information.

After creating your video, you will want to submit it to sites such as You tube, Google Video, Metacare, Viddler, and more. This is a great way to get traffic to your google adsense pages, and can get you alot of traffic fast.

All 3 of these ways are great ways to improve your website traffic and your adsense income exponentially. Be sure to start using them today in order to start seeing higher adsense commissions tomorrow.

Related Tags: adsense, google adsense, adsense tips, adsense website, google adsense tips, google adsense website

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