How Can You Recognize When a Roof Has Problems?

by Andy Roofer - Date: 2008-05-21 - Word Count: 307 Share This!

Roof replacement is one of the scariest thoughts all homeowners will eventually face. Many roofers recommend a plan of preventive roof maintenance and repair to delay the need for a total roof replacement. By regularly inspecting roofs and making repairs as they are needed, many homeowners can extend the life of their roofs for many years, even for a lifetime.

However, though regular roof inspection is necessary, there are times when your roof may exhibit warning signs that it needs to be repaired sooner. Some of these warning signs include leaking that you notice after heavy rain. These leaks are noticeable in the attic. If you check in your attic and don't see any leakage such as dripping, but notice that there are stains on the walls or ceilings, you will need to have your roof looked at by an experienced roofer. Don't always expect to see bucketfuls of water before calling a roofing contractor. Wet stains are a sign that water is leaking past the roof and shingles and making its way past the underlayment. This must be addressed or the problem will only become worse.

Another sign that your roof needs repair is if you detect peeling paint on the exterior of your home. In addition, shingles may begin to show signs of damage or decay as well. If they slip, deteriorate or look damaged, then you should have a roofer inspect your roof. Some other signs that indicate your roof is damaged include high-energy costs and excessive mold, mildew, or fungus growth in your attic. Failure of proper ventilation is another sign that needs to be addressed by a roofing contractor. Just because you don't see signs of leaking, doesn't mean that your roof doesn't need repair. Sometimes the damage may exist underneath in the structural layers, and these are just as serious as external damage.

Related Tags: roofing contractors, roofers, roofing maintenance, roofing companies, roofing supplies, find a roofer

Source: Enter your local ZIP code to find the roofers nearest to you for all your roofing need.

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