The Best Credit Cards Protect You From Scams

by Stephen Sikes - Date: 2008-09-24 - Word Count: 422 Share This!

It seems every day there is talk about a new credit card scam that is hitting consumers in the pocketbook. Sometimes it's a phone call or letter they respond to where someone is able to get their financial information and use it. Other times someone has swiped their credit card number after they made a purchase at a store or through a business. Still other times they don't know how the scammers got their credit card number, but money is disappearing.

What would you do if one of these scenarios were to happen to you? Hopefully it never will, but if it were to, would you be confident that your credit card company would help you through this tough time? Some of the best credit cards will do just that.

Take American Express for example. Recently there was a scam going around that was impacting American Express cardholders. Many of them were finding charges of $20-$50 on their credit card statements from a company called 24 Hour Corp. Some of the cardholders even noticed a pattern of these charges coming in for several months.

That is when calls started going in to the Better Business Bureau. The BBB did an investigation and found out that the company that was taking their money didn't even seem to exist. The phone number the company used was a cell phone that no one would answer. The address they gave was a house that had recently been sold and the website was not working. There was no way to know who took the money.

While many people would think they are just out of luck at this point, these folks weren't because they had some of the best credit cards, which would not leave them out in the cold. Instead of telling them to deal with the money that was lost, American Express stepped in and is working with those cardholders to get all their money back to them.

The company says they are also investigating the company that took the money and trying to find those responsible. Additionally, they are asking all their cardholders to take a closer look at their monthly statements and let them know as soon as something seems wrong.

It's this kind of service that helps to define the best credit cards on the market. While you expect they will be there when you want to spend your money and use your credit line, it is knowing that they will be there when things go wrong that shows which really are the best credit cards.

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Stephen Sikes is the owner of the credit card comparison site
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