Pets, Toy Poodles: They're Great Pets!

by Richard Cussons - Date: 2008-07-17 - Word Count: 459 Share This!

Toy Poodles are the smallest variety among the Poodle dog breed. And just like other Poodles, they come in many colors - black, blue, white, red, apricot, silver and brown. Poodles are one of the oldest yet one of the most popular breeds in the world. With that dignified gait and elaborate clip, many people would be thrilled to have a Poodle as a pet. However, this elegant appearance is sometimes the cause of misconceptions - that Poodles are useless and termed "beauty with no brains". But on the contrary, Poodles are in fact smart, active and excels in obedience and agility trials as well as circus performances. They are actually retrievers or gun dogs and are used in hunting in land and in water even until now.

Their hunting prowess doesn't necessarily mean that they are good in hunting alone. They make excellent pets as well, especially the Toy Poodles. City dwellers may want to consider this Poodle variety because of the fact that they are ideal for city life and very active indoors. Thus a house with a big yard isn't really necessary but they do good in country living as well.

The Toy Poodle as a pet is remarkably intelligent. Potty training, though difficult in some dogs, the Toy Poodle is easiest to train. They learn very quickly compared to other dog breeds. With these little fellows around, you will seldom get bored because they are naturally entertaining. They will keep you up on your toes playing ball and fetch. In addition, you will also get your dose of daily exercise because Toy Poodles need to go on daily walks to fulfill their primal instinct to walk and also to prevent behavior problems.

Not more than ten inches in height, Toy Poodles make very good watchdogs. They may snap if they are tensed or surprised and when they perceive danger. They tend to bark a lot but with proper training and socialization, excessive barking can be prevented and what you will reap is a pleasant and happy dog good with children and other pets and dogs alike.

Grooming this dog is somewhat a task especially if groomed in show clips such as continental or English Saddle. However, if the show career is over, the dog can be put into a lower-maintenance cut which is less elaborate than show clips. They must be bathed regularly and clipped every six weeks. The ears should be checked for wax or infection and the hair that grows inside the ear canal must be pulled to prevent infection and other ear problems.

Toy Poodles are happy dogs and will definitely make happy pets.

Richard Cussons knows a lot about Toy Poodles. Check out this site to discover useful Toy Poodle training tips.

Related Tags: toy poodles, toy poodle training

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