Miracle Healer, John of God of Brazil

by Ricardo Garza - Date: 2007-01-24 - Word Count: 551 Share This!

THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE from around the world diagnosed as terminal or incurable by modern medicine travel thousands of miles each month, enduring long international flights and exhausting bus rides to a small town in the mountains of central Brazil. They come to see miracle healer, Joao Teixeira de Faria, the man the people of Brazil have affectionately titled, "Joao de Deus" or "John of God".

Joao is a simple man of humble beginnings who devotes three days of every week to healing his fellow man without payment for his services.

As a young boy, Joao experienced blackout spells. On awakening he learned he had performed miraculous healings. Religious leaders, the medical field, the police and those in power threatened by Joaos abilities had him beaten, thrown in jail then cast out of town. This was a pattern that went on for years. Even with that, Joao still treated those who persecuted him when their own incurable illness arose. Joao frequently states, "it is not me who cures, it is God and the Son Jesus, I am simply the vessel". Joao is known as an unconscious medium; he never recalls any of the healings he's performed.

Since he began 44 years ago, Joao has treated and healed millions of people. Joao will see all who come to him without stopping to rest. The poor and the famous alike stand in line, up to thousands a day. They come to witness miracles and hope to receive one of their own. For example actress Shirley Maclaine who was told by Western Medicine she would never dance again. That was until Joao removed a tumor from her stomach.

Joao is acclaimed to be the greatest healer since our beloved Jesus the Christ. From curing cancer, AIDS, tumors, heart conditions, addictions, helping the lame to walk and the blind to see, Joao treats every form of illness imaginable. Many people report powerful outcomes that can be measured; X-rays before and after for example. The proof is a room at the Casa filled with thousands of discarded crutches, leg braces and wheelchairs.

The two kinds of surgeries performed through Joao are visible and invisible. Visible surgeries are done with forceps, a scapel or knife. Patients experience minimal pain, bleeding or anxiety during surgery. There are no tranquilizers, pain medication or antibiotics used before, during or after surgery, and no case of infection has ever occurred throughout Joao's many years of work. Invisible surgery is performed while meditating in what is known as the Current room at the Casa. Energy is generated and brings about miraculous corrections on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels. With both surgeries, healing can be immediate, others recover over time, and some may require additional visits.

Thousands of written testimonies and personal letters of gratitude fill the Casa office along with stacks of newspaper articles. Reports from clergymen, scientists and doctors worldwide support claims of Joao's work.

Joao de Deus and his Casa de Dom Inacio Healing Sanctuary give us the opportunity to witness and experience God's love and deepen our connection with him. A place where our hope turns into faith, and faith into certainty. For the thousands who travel to Joao each month from around the world, it is a spritual awakening, a spiritual transformation, and the beginning of the end to their illness, on many levels. (c)2007

Related Tags: miracle healer, john of god of brazil

Tony Ricardo Garza is an Intuitive and Casa Guide. Tony conducts one on one personal consultations via the phone for those seeking guidance as well as escorts small groups to John of God in Brazil. For more information visit: http://www.JohnofGodMiracleMan.com

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