The Holy Spirit Is Crucial - Part Two

by Linda Dipman - Date: 2007-06-07 - Word Count: 1267 Share This!

The veil lifted and my eyes sparkled with revelation that longed for the secrets of the Universe to open. I wanted to understand everything from beginning to end from the wisdom given freely by the Holy Spirit. Yet as knowledge filled my mind I began experiencing life lessons through the persecutions I suffered.

So many times I would ask God why couldn't everyone just love each other? Why am I always going before the court of human judgment? Why can't we all just get along and let each other live the life that God gave us to live?

The Holy Spirit surrounded my life and comforted me with these words, "I was very much loved by God". Quietly I accepted the love wishing that our world was more perfect and capable of the unconditional love I was being given by the Spirit.

John 14: 15-17, "If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him or know him. But you know him, because he remains with you and is in you."

Jesus' disciples were fearful, because He proclaimed that in a few short days He would be crucified. Jesus was their teacher, companion and friend. His physical being gave them the ability to touch, see and hear a voice that explained what to expect in the game of life.

Jesus healed thousands of people and cast out fierce demons. He taught secrets that opened up their minds and parted the clouds of darkness that Satan placed in this world to deceive people into serving him. The disciples couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose the supernatural power that Jesus displayed to them during His ministry.

I didn't realize what an important sacrifice Jesus made for us until I faced the world without favor from those I had depended on all my life. I needed the guidance of the invisible Holy Spirit. I needed the assurance from a Being that was within me, who could give me the power to stand up against everyone I knew.

Just like the disciples had to let go of the physical world, I had to let go of it too. The Holy Spirit gave me the strength to hold onto my faith in God and believe that the love I felt for Tori was not wrong.

It amazes me to this day how simple it is to have faith in God. More importantly it mystifies me when I think that the only thing Jesus requires is that you love one another. Yet time and again history and current events have proven that Christians are responsible for many acts of Genocide and wars.

There would never be any need for war if we didn't try to make people into what we wanted them to be. If love was given supreme power our world would be a paradise. We would embrace our differences as an example of how to show unconditional love. We would run to the disadvantaged and show compassion while filling their material needs.

If love is in charge no judgment would exist, because we wouldn't care how a person loved. We would be happy they found love.

Unfortunately our world is one of sight and compassion is put aside because of how prideful we are of the things in the world. We would rather conquer a nation in order to steal its oil than to allow it to govern itself according to its belief system. Whether it is right or wrong!

This is the reason why the Holy Spirit is so crucial in a person's life. Our world has become so complicated that it's hard to determine what is right and what is wrong. The Holy Spirit changes all of this by keeping us focused on our life so we can find answers that will make our journey successful. A quest of discovery that leads us to right thinking according to God's will.

John 14: 25-27, "I have told you this while I am still with you. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you.
Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you, I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid."

When I was fighting to hold unto my children because of the hatred people had against gay people, I held tightly to any messages of comfort the Spirit of God could give me to assure me that I could survive the persecution. God in His love moved me four hours away, built up a successful business in upholstery and began the process of teaching me the truth about my world.

Time and again the Holy Spirit would tell me "I had a lot to learn and to Pray for protection from Satan". The more I fought the people who were against my lifestyle, the more I learned about the real enemy people face in this world.

John 14: 30&31a, "I cannot talk with you much longer, because the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me, but the world must know that I love the Father; that is why I do everything as he commands me."

Jesus submitted to the will of God by allowing the crucifixion to happen. He gave his human body so we would have the advantage of the Holy Spirit traveling with us on our journey to fight against this evil world that is ruled by Satan.

Satan and his demons were my enemy and they were fighting with all of their might to destroy me and to keep me from traveling the path of discovery that would lead me to the truth. Praying for protection from Satan had a two fold advantage. First it kept me from believing the lies that caused me to think evil thoughts and seek revenge from those who were trying to destroy my family and second it helped me not to allow the pride of life to make me serve the world for the things it had to give.

This is the reason why I had to listen and learn from the Holy Spirit. I had to stop thinking like the people of the world and begin to find the light of truth which is found in complete dependence on the voice of God.

John 15: 5, "I am the vine, and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me."

Suddenly revelation entered my thinking and a new dawn broke releasing a stream of unending words of wisdom. Wisdom that helped me in my daily walk with God. Knowledge that made me change the way I thought so I could begin to start the learning process that would help me to understand the difference between right and wrong by being tightly bound to the teachings of the Holy Spirit.

As my eyes opened to why I was being persecuted, I pleaded with all my heart for the Holy Spirit to come! Teach me your way and give me life in a world filled with unending darkness. A world dedicated to turning people into judgmental, selfish, hateful and vengeful people. A world that is lost in darkness, but with the Holy Spirit, a world that would teach me the difference between love and hate.

Related Tags: world, knowledge, war, revelation, gay, truth, wisdom, hatred, holy spirit, persecution, ethnic differences

Linda C Dipman author of THE GAME OF LIFE IT'S ALMOST OVER presents AND HIS LOVE SHONE DOWN my true life story! It describes all the persecutions I endured. It will put you on the edge of your seat as you read each vivid detail. You will feel terror and experience love like nothing you have ever read before.

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