Wealth - Stop Waiting For Your Cat to Bark!

by Gary Simpson - Date: 2007-01-16 - Word Count: 388 Share This!

Are you tired of waiting for things to happen? Are you sick of being dealt the same tired old hand? Specifically, are you sick and tied of waiting for your finances to improve?

Well I've got news for you. Unless YOU are prepared to change all you are going to get will be more of the same. Don't look at your cat and expect it to bark. Go out and get yourself a dog.

Somebody once said that doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different outcome was a definition of stupidity. Now, I'm not saying that you are stupid. But doing the same things and then complaining about the outcome is a stupid thing to do. YOU must effect the change. Be the change that you want to see. Everything starts with a decision and then a search for knowledge. For every problem there is a solution.

Here are some examples:

Problem. You want better personal relationships? Solution. Educate yourself in relationships. Problem. You want a better job? Solution. Improve your skills. Problem. You want more material wealth? Solution. Learn about the ways of wealth. Problem. You want better health? Solution. Take up a fitness and healthy eating campaign.

I'm sure that you would agree that expecting a cat to bark is an unreal expectation. Yet so many people are expecting other incredible things to happen without being the cause of those thing happening.

Everybody wants more money. In today's society you simply cannot get by without it. It is a fact of life.

The REAL question is : "What are you going to do to get more money?" Sadly, some will always take the easy way out and either rob someone, cheat, steal and generally do everything except what they should be doing. What they SHOULD be doing is committing to a good wealth creation plan and working the plan. That is a sure way to achieve greater wealth.

Cats don't bark. Things do not change. You will not change until you have a reason to. And you will not get wealthy simply by sitting back and following the path of least resistance. You need to get out and MAKE it happen for yourself.

You want change? Change yourself. Be the change that you want to see.

"Here... kitty, kitty, kitty! Look who I want you to meet. WOOF!

Related Tags: money, wealth, debt, motivation, cash, wealth creation, wealth building, plan, self esteem, wealth plan

Gary Simpson has written nine books on various subjects including "How to Save $1000's and Increase Your Net Wealth." If you are looking for a better financial future then go to Turn Debt Into Wealth.

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