What I Have Learned from Millionaires

by Bonnie Foshee - Date: 2006-12-27 - Word Count: 410 Share This!

Being rich is not about luck. It isn't always about hard work either. You can't think and grow rich... but you do need to visualize your success.

I have learned from studying millionaires, that the best way to become one is to learn from them, and follow what they do. There are systems for gaining wealth that work… all you have to do is follow the steps. You do not have to be intelligent to do something someone tells you.

Can you follow a system? Will you take time to learn from others?

What is it you want out of life? Having money does not create happiness. You must have something you want to achieve or do.

• Do you want to spend more time with your family?
• Do you want to quit working for someone else, and work for yourself?
• Do you want to have enough money to donate to your favorite charity?
• Do you want to have freedom to choose your lifestyle?

What would you do today if you did not have to go to work? What is the life you've always dreamed about? Most importantly, what is it that drives you? If money was not a factor, what is it that you want the most that would give you lasting satisfaction and happiness? Have you forgotten your childhood dream?

Find your dream again. Whatever it is that you want from life, you have to visualize it. For instance - If you want more time with your family, picture yourself spending time with them and the things that you would be doing together. Visualize receiving a check for $10,000 every week. Stop the negative talk. Dwell on the dream and let it drive you. If you see yourself in your dream you can achieve it. But it takes one more thing - ACTION.

It is all about action, and imitating millionaires. There are systems that work. You just have to follow the right system, and you have to do each step.

Never give up. Persistence is the key. Overcome your adversities. Conquer your fears. Be relentless. Continue until you are successful. If you fail, you try again. Many successful people and businesses have learned to fail faster. That means they try things quickly, and if they don't work they move on. Don't get caught up in the failures. This is where learning from someone who is already successful is important, because they can help you avoid failing if you follow their instructions.

You can do it! Go for it!

Related Tags: wealth, millionaire, become a millionaire, become millionaire, lifestyle freedom, study millionaires

Internet Marketing Expert Bonnie Foshee, Customer Driven Marketing http://www.LearningFromMillionaires.com

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