Web Detective Services

by Blake Dexter - Date: 2007-02-03 - Word Count: 474 Share This!

I hate to say this but there are a lot of nasty people out there. And the reason I hate to say this is because I am generally an optimist. But the more I watch the evening news or read the morning newspaper the more skeptical I become. That is why more and more people are using web detective services.

If you are unaware of what web detective services are they are basically databases filled with information on people such as criminal records - convictions, court records, and court cases and they allow you to run a background check on almost anyone.

In this day and age it could be a very wise decision to run a background check on people just so you can feel a certain amount of safeness. I'll give you an example - my sister Samantha and her husband Larry were looking for a new house to purchase. Their family had grown and they had out grown their present home with the birth of their fourth child.

Samantha and Larry had found a perfect house in what seemed an ideal neighborhood. It was a five minute walk to the local school and their was a big shopping mart within a 10 minute drive. They were about to purchase this home when they decided to do a background check on people that lived in this beautiful neighborhood.

To their surprise they found that a convicted sex offender resided on the same block that they were going to purchase a house on. You can never be too safe especially with four young children so they nixed the deal on the house and purchased one in a different neighborhood. Their philosophy is - it's better to be safe than sorry.

Another example of using a web detective service concerns a childhood friend of mine named Shirley. Shirley met a man at work and they began dating. Things were going very good between the two and about 4 months into their relationship he proposed marriage.

Shirley knew very little about the history of this man as he never really talked about his past. Before Shirley decided to give this man an answer she ran a background check on him and found out that not only had he been married twice before he had never divorced. And he had three children from these marriages.

So you can see some of the advantages of using a web detective service. And there are not just negative reasons but there can also be positive reasons for using web detective services such as finding birth records of your family tree and searching for lost loves, family, friends and relatives.

I'm not sure how important these web detective services are to you but to some people it gives them a peace of mind. And like my sister and her husband said - it's better to be safe than sorry.

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Related Tags: web, services, background, detective, check

Blake Dexter is a freelance writer and researcher. To find out more about Web Detective Services please visit Spy Web Detective

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