Skin care and Tomato
- Date: 2007-09-21 - Word Count: 398
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The next time somebody splats tomato on your face, just pretend you're at the Tomatina festival in Spain and welcome it. The antioxidant properties of tomato that work inside the body can also do wonders outside.
The use of tomato for skin care is ideal because of its cooling and astringent properties. It is rich in vitamin C making it helpful for skin imperfections and brightens dull skin. It also contains vitamin A needed for building healthy skin. The naturally acidic properties of tomato balance the skin while ridding it of excessive oil. The antioxidants in tomatoes are free radical fighters. The best ones to use are organic or home grown tomatoes. That's skin care right out of your garden or kitchen. Here are some tomato solutions to pamper your skin:
Tomato and Lime Pore Reducer
Combine one tablespoon of fresh tomato juice with 2 - 4 drops of fresh lime juice. Apply the mixture with a cotton ball, and let it work on reducing your pores for about 15 minutes. Rinse with tepid to cool water to shrink pores even further, and moisturize.
Tomato Pulp Acne Treatment
Try this treatment for persistent acne that needs more than a 15-minute fix. Mash a fresh tomato and apply the pulp liberally to your face. Relax with the tomato on your face for an hour. Rinse with tepid water. Use this treatment everyday for at least a week for best results.
Tomato and Avocado Cleansing Mask
This mask is good for people with combination skin because it combines the astringent, blackhead removing and oil reducing properties of tomato with the antiseptic and hydrating properties of avocado. The mask also contains vitamins A, C and E and has a soothing and cooling feel. To make the mask, mash one small tomato and one small avocado. Mix them together well, and smooth the mixture on your face. Rinse after 20 to 30 minutes with tepid water.
In case you don't have the time or the patience for this, there are a lot of over-the-counter solutions out there that can be just as effective without these messy preparations. Thanks to continuous developments in the field of anti-aging research, products like Rejuvinol have been formulated to protect the skin from the sun's damaging rays. This keeps your skin protected from oxidation and environmental damage. Check out for more details.
Read out Skin care . Also check out for beauty advice and kids hairstyles
The use of tomato for skin care is ideal because of its cooling and astringent properties. It is rich in vitamin C making it helpful for skin imperfections and brightens dull skin. It also contains vitamin A needed for building healthy skin. The naturally acidic properties of tomato balance the skin while ridding it of excessive oil. The antioxidants in tomatoes are free radical fighters. The best ones to use are organic or home grown tomatoes. That's skin care right out of your garden or kitchen. Here are some tomato solutions to pamper your skin:
Tomato and Lime Pore Reducer
Combine one tablespoon of fresh tomato juice with 2 - 4 drops of fresh lime juice. Apply the mixture with a cotton ball, and let it work on reducing your pores for about 15 minutes. Rinse with tepid to cool water to shrink pores even further, and moisturize.
Tomato Pulp Acne Treatment
Try this treatment for persistent acne that needs more than a 15-minute fix. Mash a fresh tomato and apply the pulp liberally to your face. Relax with the tomato on your face for an hour. Rinse with tepid water. Use this treatment everyday for at least a week for best results.
Tomato and Avocado Cleansing Mask
This mask is good for people with combination skin because it combines the astringent, blackhead removing and oil reducing properties of tomato with the antiseptic and hydrating properties of avocado. The mask also contains vitamins A, C and E and has a soothing and cooling feel. To make the mask, mash one small tomato and one small avocado. Mix them together well, and smooth the mixture on your face. Rinse after 20 to 30 minutes with tepid water.
In case you don't have the time or the patience for this, there are a lot of over-the-counter solutions out there that can be just as effective without these messy preparations. Thanks to continuous developments in the field of anti-aging research, products like Rejuvinol have been formulated to protect the skin from the sun's damaging rays. This keeps your skin protected from oxidation and environmental damage. Check out for more details.
Read out Skin care . Also check out for beauty advice and kids hairstyles
Related Tags: antioxidant, tomato, rejuvinol
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