Radio Controllers - Knowing The Basics

by William123 - Date: 2010-10-12 - Word Count: 349 Share This!

Radio controlled models are different in design and structure, but at their core are the same radio control principles of transmitter, receiver, antenna and batteries. With the use of some knowledge on how to connect these parts, you can build easily your own radio controlled device. The radio frequencies for the radio control are allocated by the different authorities from each country. The frequency bands are being allocated and monitored properly to ensure that there is no interference to the frequencies that are being used for public service such as traffic control or emergency services.

Different models can run at the same time because their frequencies are further divided into channels or frequency bands one of which is being used by each model according to the crystals that are in the transmitter or receiver. The frequencies that you can use differ from country to country, that is why if you are purchasing an equipment from a different country make sure that it will operate safely in the country where it will be used.

The transmitter is the radio set or the control box that is being used by the operator which receives the transmitted signal. Control is mostly proportional. This means that the higher the lever is being pushed on the transmitter, the further the servo in the model moves.

The servo is one of the most important pieces of a radio control model. The servo is a small black box that contains the control arm or pushrod on top or at the side and moves upon the control or command of the receiver. Usually, one servo is enough to control one function. Each servo is available in different sizes and designs depending on the force that they need to provide.

In order to operate, this electronic equipment needs batteries. The transmitter does not need much power to operate and contains its own small batteries that provide its powers. With this simple and basic knowledge, you can start to know more about radio controllers thus making it a lot easier for you to understand the way that they work.

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