Is Paris Hilton Really Spoiled

by Robert D - Date: 2007-01-16 - Word Count: 595 Share This!

Many people have the impression that heiress Paris Hilton is actually spoiled and does not work for a living, but actually, that is very wrong. They tend to assume that fact because that's the image she often portrays in public, but in real life, she has been making her own money since she was 18 years old.

Back then, Paris used to earn her money by doing photo shoots for magazines. She even made money by simply appearing at night clubs and partying. But after the success of the TV show "Simple Life" and the release of a sex tape by her ex-boyfriend, Rick Solomon, she became very famous in the United States and worldwide.

Some people wonder why Paris is so famous and what she has done to gain the status of a celebrity. The truth is that she is an entertainer and a businesswoman. She constantly travels around the world to promote her Paris Hilton brand. Indeed, she is also making millions of dollars every year; therefore, she is far from being a "stupid blond girl."

Aside from filming the Simple Life series, Paris has also acted in numerous movies. Most of them are low-budgeted films in order to practicing her acting skills. It's worth to note that Paris has been acting before the Simple Life in movies such as "Nine Lives" which was released in 2002. But her biggest role yet is in House of Wax (2006).

In summer 2006, Paris decided to launch her music career. A lot of people do not know this, but she is very serious about this music career, and it's something that comes from her. Her debut single "Stars Are Blind" has become a smash hit, and it is one of the top singles of 2006. In late August 2006, her debut album "Paris" was released and within a week, 75 000 copies were sold in the United States and 150 000 copies worldwide. In fact, "Paris" hit #6 on the worldwide chart and on Billboards. So far, more than 500 000 records have been sold.

Of course, music and movies are not the only things that Paris does. She is also building her own empire and hopes to be bigger than her great-grandfather Conrad Hilton. She has launched a successful fragrance collection line with many perfumes for women and men. She even has her own video game titled "Diamond Quest" which is produced by Gameloft.

In 2004, Paris released a book called "Confession of an Heiress" which is mainly about her. If you're a huge fan of Paris Hilton, you should definitely read it because you'll discover a lot more about her.

Although, Paris is in her 20s and earns a lot of money, unlike most people think, she has a big heart and does charity work all the time. She mainly raises money for children, and she often check in hospitals. She is an animal activist as well. Furthermore, she has promised to never wear fur again after she was shown a brutal killing video of an animal for fur. She loves animals so much that when she was a kid, she wanted to be a veterinarian.

The media and the tabloid often lie about her and make up stories to portray her as someone evil, but she really is not. They would have us believe that she is spoiled, but now you know that she actually building her own business and doing what she loves. Regardless if you are a fan or not or if you still consider her spoiled, you cannot say that she is not making her own money.

Related Tags: celebrity, paris hilton, stupid, spoiled, blond

If you want to learn about the real Paris Hilton, check out "Paris Hilton Site". This Paris Hilton website contains extensive information about her projects (music, movies, TV shows) and about her personal life.

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