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    • 31.

      Current Affairs Articles - Obama Concealment of Birth Certificate: Tainting His Presidency?

      by MICHAEL BRESCIANI - 2009-07-31
      The promise of a great new ‘Change we can believe in' is daily becoming the great "Division we can barely live with.' Why has the President allowed the question of his birth place to be added to the...
    • 32.

      4 Common Online Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

      by Morgan Cooley - 2010-02-02
      Myths concerning affiliate marketing are appealing and attractive. People who do not know the entire system the wrong way round are prone to believing that it is something capable of giving them great...
    • 33.

      Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing In 6 Easy Steps

      by Matthew Zamora - 2010-03-08
      Affiliate marketing is probably the simplest business model you can choose to build a business. Of course the devil is in the details, as they say, but the overall model can really be broken down into...
    • 34.

      Business Software - Adding Competence To Business

      by Forest Mcbride - 2010-03-21
      Business software generally means software programs that can be used by business and companies to carry out business activities, or to increase or measure their business productivity. Business softwar...
    • 35.

      Reaping The Benefits As An Affiliate Marketer

      by Matthew Zamora - 2010-05-18
      There are so many benefits to affiliate marketing and creating a strong affiliate program. Doing this means you pay for results, rather than advertising that may or may not target your market. When yo...
    • 36.

      What's Declared Vs. What's Delivered With Driver Navigation Systems

      by Les Finley - 2010-05-18
      Automobile navigation systems have been with us for a while now, and every year it seems that new features are bolted on to the various systems. All of them are based on GPS, or global positioning sys...
    • 37.

      There Are A Huge Number Of Choices For Accessorizing Your Psp

      by Jimmie Mcdowell - 2010-05-19
      Your child has finally earned enough money to purchase their own PSP system-you know he has wanted it for a long time, but you could not justify in your mind another gaming system in the house. The te...
    • 38.

      Have Fun With Psp Movies

      by Jimmie Mcdowell - 2010-05-19
      You finally broke down and bought your teenager a PlayStation Portable (also known as PSP) for his birthday. There was a lot of coaxing and pleading from your teenager about all of the benefits of the...
    • 39.

      How To Use Direct Email As A Marketing Tool

      by Cordell George - 2010-05-21
      Forget direct email marketing for a second, and tell me if this has ever happened to you. You go outside and open your mailbox. You get the usual: bills, bank statements, maybe a phoney million-dollar...
    • 40.

      What's The Finest Background Check Software?

      by Andres Edwards - 2010-05-26
      There are several background check softwares available online. Most of them are available in a similar price range. However, what sets good background check software apart from the myriad others are f...