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  • working out

    • 1.

      Winter Fit

      by Sharon Rushen - 2006-12-21
      It's Quality Not QuantityStacy Berman, exercise specialist well-known for her effective exercise tactics with high end clients, understands the importance of working out on a tight schedule. She bring...
    • 2.

      The Benefit of Regular Exercise - Physical Activity for Better Health

      by Ryan Cote - 2007-01-05
      What is the difference between exercise and physical activity? Physical activity is any type of movement of the body that increases your metabolism and causes your muscles to contract. Examples of phy...
    • 3.

      A Work Out Partner Can Increase The Success Of Your Weight Loss And Fitness Program

      by Beth Campbell - 2007-01-17
      This is the time of year that many of us are embarking on a new diet plan or exercise program. While some few of us may be able to maintain our good intentions without help, most of us could benefit g...
    • 4.

      The Best Fitness Advice on the Web

      by Joseph Ducat - 2007-01-31
      After doing a lot of research in writing articles on fitness, I have compiled a list of the best general fitness advice available. These tips will help you get more out of exercising and achieve your ...
    • 5.

      Circuit Training-Is It The New Fat Loss Weapon?

      by Kevin Valluzzi - 2007-02-13
      What's the one missing ingredient that a lot of people fail to include when trying to lose weight? I'll give you a hint, it's also the most important thing. Resistance training. Without a doubt, resis...
    • 6.

      Golf is Good for Your Health

      by Rob Daniels - 2007-04-15
      Everything about our lives is busy. We not only do our work at work now a days, but carry work with us. Cell phones, video conferencing and wireless Internet allow work to be done anywhere and anytime...
    • 7.

      Bodybuilding Insight: When Building Muscles - Your Body doesn't know what day it is

      by Scott Abbett - 2007-05-20
      We're told over and over that in order to be successful at something, we need to be consistent. But consistency not tempered with intelligence is as bad as inconsistency when we are being intelligent....
    • 8.

      The Advantages Of Using A Home Gym

      by Heath Sentares - 2008-05-29
      If you want to get into peak physical condition, build muscle mass, lose excess weight and develop healthy cardiovascular conditioning, it is crucial to workout on a consistent basis. Inconsistency is...
    • 9.

      Creatine Ethyl Ester Side Effects and Benefits

      by Mike Carter - 2008-06-28
      If you do much bodybuilding or weight training at all, then you have probably already tried creatine monohydrate or creatine ethyl ester supplements. If you have not yet tried supplementing with cre...
    • 10.

      20 Tips for Weight Loss

      by Joseph Barresi - 2008-08-24
      Weight Loss Tip #1:Push in two fruits or vegetables with every meal you eat. This will fill your stomach and help you cut down on the calories you would take in from the other foods.Weight Loss Tip #...