working mom
working mom
by Abbas Abedi - 2006-12-06
Making a choice between staying home and working full-time poses a major dilemma for mothers, but experts now say it shouldn't. Studies have shown have working moms and their stay-home counterparts ea...
by Pat Katepoo - 2006-12-17
You may like the idea of working less than full time, but you can't help but think, "How could we afford it?"Take time to explore whether "We can't afford it" is an objective conclusion or an emotiona...
by Rowena List - 2007-01-18
Do you remember the first time you left the house just after your first child was born? There were so many things to remember: diaper bag full of diapers, wipes, change of clothes for baby, change of ...
by Nichole Santoro - 2007-02-02
Have your kids started school? Finding yourself with more time between 9am-2pm and getting excited about having personal time again? Once you have a few days of taking a really long shower, shopping a...
by Michele Dortch - 2007-02-08
I WANT TO BE A TREE.With the dizzying pace of working motherhood, you may find yourself constantly falling into a pit of stress, overwhelm and frustration. You're not alone. There are nearly 60 mill...
by Martin Haworth - 2007-03-04
That time when you become a new mom is a time of huge change. A time when you really must enjoy your new addition. Then, as things level out, there is your inner need for challenge, previously fulfill...
by Karen Fusco - 2007-03-18
If you've made the transition from stay at home mom to working mom, then you know how extremely hectic in can be. Your days probably go something like this: eight hours at work and then racing home t...
by JESSICA VANDERHAAR - 2007-03-31
In 1999 I gave birth to my first child, a sweet little girl. When my daughter was 4 months old I had to return to work. I worked in an office and my employer was kind enough to allow me to bring h...
by Jessica VanderHaar - 2007-04-01
In 1999 I gave birth to my first child, a sweet little girl. When my daughter was 4 months old I had to return to work. I worked in an office and my employer was kind enough to allow me to bring her t...
by Amber Rosenberg - 2007-04-20
Have you ever been fascinated by certain people and wanted to truly understand what motivates them, what scares them and what keeps them up at night?Over the last couple of years, I've noticed that...