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  • workers compensation insurance

    • 1.

      Dirty Little Secret of Workers Compensation Insurance

      by Charles Read - 2007-03-22
      Workers Compensation Insurance agents are paid commission based on the size of your company premium. The bigger the premium you pay the bigger your agent's commission. Your agent may never cause you...
    • 2.

      Get Covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance

      by Martin Lukac - 2007-04-28
      Workers' compensation insurance, commonly called workers' or workmen's comp, is a form of insurance designed to provide compensation to workers who have been injured while on the job.While the details...
    • 3.

      Insurance, Workers' Compensation Insurance (Work Comp)

      by BRENT A. KENNY - 2008-09-03
      Workers' Compensation Insurance - Before Workers' Comp. came about there was no insurance coverage to protect an injured worker. An injured worker is anyone who is employed and is injured on the j...
    • 4.

      The 411 On Insurance For Workers Compensation

      by Walter Sigmore - 2009-04-14
      If an employer were to get hurt on the job what would happen? Would he/she get fired or laid off? Would he/she get money for the days lost? Could he/she sue the firm for getting hurt on the job? All o...
    • 5.

      Knowing The Facts About Workers Compensation Insurance Policies

      by Walter Sigmore - 2009-04-14
      The code contains the workers compensation programme which is designed to be a part of it, and covers the areas of loss of hearing as a result of or arising from the hazards of their occupation, other...
    • 6.

      How To File Workers Compensation Insurance Claims

      by Walter Sigmore - 2009-04-14
      Getting Workers Compensation Insurance Claim is somewhat simple, follow the steps listed below:- The first priority is to get medical attention immediately.- Inform your employer [which means either y...
    • 7.

      Cold Hard Facts Of State Workers Compensation Insurance

      by Walter Sigmore - 2009-04-14
      State workers compensation insurance may be in for a long and rude awakening. By that I mean your safety may no longer be a must, but more of a luxury. The states are looking for ways to save and budg...
    • 8.

      Why Should You Buy Workers Compensation Insurance? Heres Why!

      by Walter Sigmore - 2009-04-14
      Every worker has rights, just as every work has the right to be insured if injured on the job. In today's world, we call that workers compensation. Every individual who has a job should buy workers co...
    • 9.

      Submitting Claims To The Workers Compensation Bureau

      by Jennifer Langston - 2009-05-12
      When you are a victim of an accident that occurred at work you will want to make sure that you look for help from a workers compensation attorney to assist you in filing the proper claim into your sta...
    • 10.

      Understanding Workers Compensation Reinsurance

      by Walter Sigmore - 2009-05-12
      As a business owner you've probably encountered workers compensation reinsurance before. This is when an insurance company has to insure itself with another insurance company to share out the loss wit...