by Jonathan Huttner - 2006-12-26
Alcohol dependence continues to be major public health problem, and among its many associated medical problems is a well characterized alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol withdrawal signs and symptom...
by Peter Birlea - 2007-01-26
Every night Kenny comes home from work, flips open his laptop and starts placing bets on two of his favorite online poker sites. Jessica likes to play the video lottery terminals a few times a month w...
by Craig Howell - 2007-03-05
If you subscribe to the military surge or the immediate withdrawal as the only viable options to ending the war in Iraq, there is another way. Here is an idea that defies the present mindset, yet will...
by Jeffrey T. Junig - 2007-09-04
In Part One of this article I described the problems with traditional treatment of opiate addiction. Suboxone is a revolutionary alternative.Suboxone consists of two drugs; buprenorphine and naloxone...
by Jeffrey T. Junig - 2007-09-03
Suboxone is a relatively new medication for opiate dependence that will result in a sea change in addiction treatment. Physicians currently prescribing suboxone are aware of the usefulness of this me...
by Christian Shire - 2007-10-12
Thankfully, the vast majority of drug rehabs are run by committed professionals, and although they exit to make a profit, are run with concern for the welfare and long term sobriety of participa...
by Christian Shire - 2007-10-12
If you can afford it or you have good private insurance coverage, you should consider attending a residential drug or alcohol rehab that employs a full time doctor on staff. Obviously, the expen...
by Christian Shire - 2007-10-12
There are an estimated 20 million alcoholics in America, and about 6 million people dependent and using pain pills daily. Of course a significant number of these chemically dependent people are ...
by Christian Shire - 2007-10-12
Nothing devastates parents like watching a teen struggle with addiction and dependency, and the behaviors and pains of teen drug abuse and addiction invariably ripple throughout the family, leav...
by Christian Shire - 2007-10-12
With the costs of private rehab reaching as much as $20 000 per month and more, those people without private health insurance or the means to pay for rehab often wonder what they can do to bette...