by Margo Kirtikar Ph.D. - 2006-12-02
Have you ever wondered why it is easier for most people to submit and indulge in negative feelings rather than experience positive emotions even though we know we feel better when we are positive abou...
by Steve Madigan - 2007-01-18
Have you ever taken a vacation and had the time of your life?If you have not, you still can take a magnificent vacation that is beyond your imagination. I have been lucky enough to take one ...
by Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya - 2007-02-04
In the previous pages it has been mentioned that Gayatri is not some Goddess, ghost etc. but is Adi Shakti that has manifested from Brahman or God. Gayatri is the root cause or substratum of all mater...
by Michelle Morovaty - 2007-02-11
Dear Loved Ones,I wish you a very happy and content day. As I wish for you, I hope you wish for yourselves. I wish wonderful wishes for you all, for all the wishes I wish for you, I wish for myself.Do...
by Richard Dupont - 2007-05-21
"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection." - Sigmund Freud.Remember the days as a child, when you used to wait for your father to be back home in...
by Elysha - 2007-08-15
Once you get a taste of this immensity of your self, the heart of existence, the divine one of all time, the one that is who "you" already are, the one that is flowing through your very eyes right now...
by Elysha Elysha - 2007-08-14
Once you get a taste of this immensity of your self, the heart of existence, the divine one of all time, the one that is who "you" already are, the one that is flowing through your very eyes rig...
by Andrewshw2 - 2007-11-02
In the course of this idea of family as an essential part of civilization Winton explores the thought of individuality. All the characters (mainly notably Rose) move violently to come to terms w...
by Lavena Ang - 2007-11-11
Most of us spend one-third of our time a day at work. Deducting the average eight-hour sleeping time, we spend at least half of our waking time at work. Majority of our working time are spent with...
by Cucan - 2008-04-30
Candle light. Roses. Teddy bears. Romantic ideas for women all seem to fall into certain clichés.There's a reason for that, however, we love that kind of thing! Most women wish their boyfriends wo...