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  • why

    • 1.

      Why Do Bad Things Happen?

      by Donny Ouyang - 2006-12-03
      One of the most common questions people ask is: "Why do bad things happen?" The beginning of "bad things"Bad things happen, very simply, because we live in a fallen world. Our world has been invaded b...
    • 2.

      Why Your Business is Losing Money by Not Having a Web Site

      by Joshua Spaulding - 2006-12-06
      Think of the last ten people that you have interacted with today. Now just imagine how many of those people have used or will use the Internet in the next 24 hours. Your consensus should relay what I ...
    • 3.

      The Power of a WHY

      by Nick Schultz - 2006-12-08
      Do you want to be rich, wealthy, well off? Are you willing to do whatever it takes? Are you going to work whatever business opportunity you can find until it works?There are millions of people who w...
    • 4.

      To Witness or Not to Witness-That is the Question!

      by Toni Star - 2007-01-06
      We've all encountered good and bad witnessing, and can tell the difference between the two. The following are poor examples of witnessing; some of which you may have heard and seen too many times……."I...
    • 5.

      Marketing for the Complex Sale: Nine Reasons Why You Need Telemarketing

      by Susan Tatum - 2007-01-06
      If you're selling complex and expensive products or services, the telephone is a key marketing tool - with an emphasis on the word "marketing".  It's not just for sales people anymore. Here's...
    • 6.

      Using Free Web Hosting For Your Business... Sure, Why Not?

      by Lorna Timbah - 2007-01-08
      Having a web site is no longer an option for your company -- it is a necessity. A web site enables your business to reach more customers at anytime and anywhere. With more than one billion people ...
    • 7.

      Why Sales Representatives Don't Sell More

      by T. Falcon Napier - 2007-01-08
      Are your sales representatives selling as much as you'd like?  There are only two answers to that question -and BOTH can signal grave danger ahead. If you said "YES" - or if ANY of your sales...
    • 8.

      Colon Flush: Why We Should Do It

      by Colon Cleansing & Constipation Resource Center - 2007-01-10
      Many factors work harmoniously in order to create optimal balance of every system within the human body. Many issues in our modern world negatively affect and alter the human body's normal functio...
    • 9.

      Why Real Estate Listings Expire - Part 1 of 4

      by Shawn Buryska - 2007-01-10
      Why Real Estate Listings Expire - Part 1 of 4When you are selling your home, it is incredibly frustrating to have days, weeks, and even months go by without a sale. Worst-case -- the listing expir...
    • 10.

      Why Should Christians Teach Their Children Practical Business Skills?

      by Stephen G Beck - 2007-01-11
      Many parents are waking up to the fact that we are sending our young people into the world with very few practical business skills. Unless your dad was a businessman, plumber or auto mechanic (and...