by Roy MacNaughton - 2006-12-01
I love inventors. I find it fascinating how they come up with such unique ideas. Any great invention needs to have at its marketing root, the desire and ability to solve someone's problem, heal a pain...
by Rob Marshall - 2007-01-06
In my previous two articles on the topic of getting what we want, I looked at the importance of knowing what we want. If we haven't clearly defined what it is that we are trying to be, do, or have...
by Roy E. Klienwachter - 2007-01-07
The three steps of manifesting the things which you desire are thought, word, and deed-three simple steps which get complicated when you try to put them into action. How do you control the process s...
by Laurence Magne - 2007-01-12
There is a secret to a cure for cancer. Actually there are many that the medical industry is keeping from you.One very powerful one has been the object of many studies that confirm its efficacy, y...
by Michael L. Smith - 2007-01-18
If you could truly learn a skill that could pay you for the rest of your life, how much would that be worth to you? Well the skill is copywriting and it's the most important thing any internet mar...
by Melani Ward - 2007-01-19
One of the most valuable lessons I ever learned from my father was that you will never know unless you ask. So, one of the most important things you can do for yourself is get clear about what you wan...
by Doug Hoover - 2007-01-22
Liner ponds leak, concrete ponds leach. Fish get diseases if they are not eaten first. Algae are a constant problem. And what about mosquitoes and West or East Nile Virus?Ponds are high maintenanc...
by Roy E. Klienwachter - 2007-01-22
The three steps of manifesting the things which you desire are thought, word, and deed-three simple steps which get complicated when you try to put them into action.How do you control the process so y...
by Roy E. Klienwachter - 2007-01-22
The three steps to manifesting all the things you desire are simple steps most of us will not be able to accomplish consciously.Why is it some people who seem to be less deserving than you, have it al...
by Julie Shields - 2007-01-23
A diamond promise ring is given to one's significant other for a number of reasons. Often it is a pre-engagement of sorts, intended to show that the relationship is quite serious and is headed tow...