voip phone service
voip phone service
by Chuck Parrish - 2006-11-30
Here are a number of services available that allow you to make internet telephone calls utilizing VOIP for free. These services fall into two broad categories. 1) PC software applications made availa...
by Eddie SanMarco - 2007-01-23
Are You Ready For An Internet Phone That Uses Voip?With an internet phone system you can make phone calls over the Internet and save a bundle of cash! All you need is a broadband internet connection, ...
by Jayson Pablo - 2007-05-21
Broadband services are the most widely known phenomena of the recent times, particularly, after the widespread use of computers in our day to day lives. And that has increased the stiff competit...
by Jon Arnold - 2007-07-04
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past several years, you should be considering VOIP services for your home phone. VOIP service is where you use your high-speed Internet connection to m...
by Jon Arnold - 2007-07-19
VOIP is a type of phone service that uses broadband Internet. It is an alternative to the conventional phone services, and is becoming increasingly popular. It offers a solution to paying exorbitant p...
by Jon Arnold - 2007-08-02
You may have heard the acronym VoIP and wondered what it is and what all the hype is about. VoIP is a telephone service that works over the Internet instead of through your traditional telephone. If V...
by Jon Arnold - 2007-08-05
In the process of trying to explain to some older friends why they should consider VOIP service for their home, it struck me that I have not found a true beginner's guide or novice guide that explains...
by Jon Arnold - 2007-08-07
You probably already know what VOIP is - the technology that allows you to make and receive telephone calls by use of a reliable high-speed Internet connection at your home or office. You proba...
by Kristen - 2007-08-10
VoIP has created quiet a furor in the recent times as increasingly more people are becoming aware of this promising technology. Armed with multitude advantages over the traditional public switch telep...
by Kristen - 2007-08-10
VoIP has created quiet a furor in the recent times as increasingly more people are becoming aware of this promising technology. Armed with multitude advantages over the traditional public switch...