by Marco Miranda Sr - 2006-12-23
My brother in law, who is a prominent doctor in Geneva and a fairly successful writer sent to me the following comments on his last visit to our country. I think they are worth a quick glimpse.He wrot...
by Ranjeeth A - 2007-01-01
Today obtaining US visas become speedier and only electronic forms can be used to get visas. This article will give detailed description on various types of visas. Brief details about various US visa ...
by Steven Rich - 2006-12-19
NEW REFORESTATION VISASNow there is a new way to obtain a faster Permanent resident Visa and gain Panamanian citizenship while saving Panama's forests.Panama recently brought back a dormant Refores...
by Bankxp Bankxp - 2007-02-02
New US Immigration Visas are very flexible and available to the people living in other nations. The U.S. Immigration visa allows a person who desires to travel to the United States of America from ...
by Kate Raynor - 2007-02-19
The cap for FY 2007 was reached on May 26, 2006, well before the fiscal year began on October 1, 2006. Because the H-1B Visas are limited, a lot of employers are already preparing thousands of pet...
by AusTraveller - 2007-03-01
If you are not an Australian or New Zealand passport holder then you will require a visa to enter Australia. Arriving at the airport without an appropriate visa will mean that you will not be permi...
by Globespan Property Portal - 2007-07-23
Who Can Own Property in Turkey? First the "reciprocity principle" must apply between the country of the person wishing to obtain acquisition of ownership. In other words, if a Turkish citizen can beco...
by Russell Clark - 2007-10-01
To enter the U.S. through marriage, one needs a Fiance Visa. As there are various Fiance Visa requirements, it is essential to know the basic laws pertaining to the Fiance Visa process and Fiance ...
by Nance Leighton - 2008-08-02
Short for the Latin word meaning carta visa, a visa is an important document issued by host countries giving formal approval for a visiting individual. These visas are usually for a specifically amou...
by joalesto - 2008-12-20
Commonly referred to as "The Land Down Under", the continent of Australia is viewed by many to be among the most exciting and diverse tourist destinations in the planet. The continent continues to att...