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  • type 2 diabetes

    • 31.

      Some Things About Treatment and Prognosis of Diabetes

      by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-04-13
      It is known that diabetes can be a life- threatening condition, so it is important for patients to treat it under medical supervision. There exist a lot of alternative therapies that can help manage t...
    • 32.

      Diabetes - What Is Type 1 Diabetes?

      by Jack Krohn - 2007-04-14
      Type 1 Diabetes is an auto immune disease that destroys the insulin producing cells of the pancreas. Type 1 Diabetes used to be called juvenile diabetes because it usually struck people under 20. In t...
    • 33.

      Diabetes-what Is Type 1 Diabetes?

      by Jack Krohn - 2007-04-15
      Type 1 Diabetes is an auto immune disease that destroys the insulin producing cells of the pancreas. Type 1 Diabetes used to be called juvenile diabetes because it usually struck people under 20. In t...
    • 34.

      Diabetes-40 Year Old Belief Debunked?

      by Jack Krohn - 2007-04-19
      For nearly 40 years it has been common knowledge and generally accepted fact that certain minority groups have had a gene that made them predisposed to the awful disease of diabetes. Just yesterday...
    • 35.

      Diabetes - 40 Year Old Belief Debunked?

      by Jack Krohn - 2007-04-19
      For nearly 40 years it has been common knowledge and generally accepted fact that certain minority groups have had a gene that made them predisposed to the awful disease of diabetes.Just yesterday it ...
    • 36.

      Diabetes-What is Type 2 Diabetes?

      by Jack Krohn - 2007-04-19
      Type 2 Diabetes is by far the most common type of the disease accounting for 90-95% of all cases. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) estimates that 21 million Americans have diabetes and that ...
    • 37.

      Treating Diabetes Tips You Can Use for Your Diabetes Disease .

      by Aron wallad - 2007-04-21
      Treating Diabetes Tips You Can Use for Your Diabetes Disease What do doctors almost always say if you have diabetes?Why does the physician seem to always say "do some athletics" or "do some light ...
    • 38.

      Diabetes and Pets

      by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-04-23
      Diabetes is one of the most common hormonal disorders in dogs and cats. When the pet's body has too much blood glucose because is insensitive to the available insulin in his body or because doesn't pr...
    • 39.

      Treating Type 2 Diabetes

      by Aron wallad - 2007-04-23
      Evidence from particular studies such as the Nurses Strength Study Vitality Professional and Follow-Up Study has linked dietary carbohydrate intake (measured as glycemic load) containing risk of ty...
    • 40.

      Diabetes Diet Questions About Good and Bad Fats to Eat.

      by Aron wallad - 2007-04-24
      What are those good fats in foods? What fats should you and I stay away from. This article is about trimming the fat from the fat confusion about food. After reading this article you will have a cl...