tuxedo suits
tuxedo suits
by horshan - 2007-06-18
A zoot suit is a showy style of clothing, which became most popular during the 1930s and 40s. At that time, it was coupled with certain alternative groups in the United States, like Chicanos and Afric...
by Horshan - 2007-08-10
We always feel good about getting invitations, it may be a friend's wedding or could be an official even. Sometime you got to dress up in a "black tie" and you realize that you going to need a t...
by Horshan - 2007-08-30
One of the most important formal wear in any men's wardrobe is Men's suit. Every man should at least have one suit. There are always time when we require to be formally appear like attending a f...
by Horshan - 2007-08-30
A zoot suit is a showy style of clothing, which became most popular during the 1930s and 40s. At that time, it was coupled with certain alternative groups in the United States, like Chicanos and...
by Mejo John - 2008-06-24
It is important that you should take extreme care of your suits so that they last long and give you the same look for what you bought. Taking good care of your good suit makes sense. Here are some of...
by Mejo John - 2008-07-07
So this must be exciting for you to go for the first suit. Well, apart from the excitement there are few things that you need to consider when shopping for a men's suit. These are fabric, style, color...
by Mejo John - 2008-07-22
Having a suit is very important for men's wardrobe. In fact, they hierarchy of fashion, any high-quality suit stays a man's only trump card. Even in today's age of casual-wear, the men suit yet carri...
by Mejo John - 2008-07-26
Suits are one of the most elegant garments for men. They are one of the most important formal basic wear in any mens wardrobe. It is important that a man has a minimum of three suits. The history of ...
by Mejo John - 2008-08-08
Suits are the all time favorite choice in men's fashion. These days the style statement of most men in looking fashionable is "less is more". In this world where everyone wants to look fashionable a ...
by Mejo John - 2008-08-09
Suits are the all time favorite choice in men's fashion. These days the style statement of most men in looking fashionable is "less is more". In this world where everyone wants to look fashionable a d...